Former Taiwan President Ma Ying -jeou said at the new book conference of Lai Xingyuan, chairman of the former MAC, said that from the DPP government's handling of the Golden Gate overturning case, it can be seen that they still do not know how to deal with mainland China, which caused Taiwan to fall into Taiwan.Guoan risk.

Comprehensive Taiwan Lianhe Daily Free Times and TVBS News Network, Ma Ying -jeou at the press conference of Lai Xingyuan's new book on Friday (March 8) in the morning of Lai Xingyuan.The incident can be seen that even if the two lives are lost, the DPP still does not know how to deal with the mainland, which allows Taiwan to fall into unnecessary national security risks, and it also highlights the need to restore normal communication as soon as possible.

Ma Ying -jeou said that the Cai government should take out sincerity and release goodwill to resolve disputes.In the face of the problem, when the family is compared with the heart, if you have negligence, you have to apologize and compensate for compensation. In this way, many problems can be solved.

From May 20, 2008, Lai Xingyuan served as the chairman of the Taiwan Committee of Taiwan during the administration of the Malaysia government. The term of office was four years and five months.In September 2012, Lai Xingyuan was transferred to the representatives of the delegation of the WTO and filed a resignation after the political party rotation in 2016.

Lai Xingyuan recently published a new book for casting the sword as a plow: Lai Xingyuan's secrets of the cross -strait negotiations, a new book publication meeting on Friday, invited Ma Ying -jeou to attend.

When talking about looking for Lai Xingyuan as the chairman of the MAC, Ma Ying -jeou said that at that time, it caused a lot of discussions in the Kuomintang.The performance of the committee feels "I'm looking for the right person."

Ma Ying -jeou said that from 2008 to 2016, cross -strait pioneering unprecedented peace and prosperity, signed the current Cai Yingwen's opposition to the Cross -Strait Economic Cooperation Architecture Agreement (ECFA).Big step.

Ma Ying -jeou pointed out that before he stepped down as the president, the number of cross -strait people had a record high of 5 million each year, and signed 23 agreements with the other side.Without the foundation of Lai Xingyuan's appointment, there will be no such rich results.

Ma Ying -jeou also said that peace on both sides of the strait is beneficial to the Taiwan economy, and it is also conducive to Taiwan to participate in various international organizations, and it can maintain Taiwan's subjectivity and sovereignty.During his tenure, cross -strait exchanges were institutionalized. At that time, the heads of the Ministry and the head of the Mainland Correspondence Department established a direct connection pipeline. The M503 route was solved through this way, allowing the mainland to move the route to the west of the west.