The National Two Congress of China (the annual meeting of the People's Congress and the CPPCC) officially appeared, but regardlessIt is made to make a decision, but the government work report emphasizes unswervingly promoting the great cause of reunification. It still has the meaning of strengthening the promotion, and "it will be more than saying."

After the Taiwan election earlier this year, the two sides of the strait appeared M503 Line and The Sea of ​​the Mansion and Golden Sea (Taiwan-called Jinxia Sea) dispute , which warmed the situation in the Taiwan Strait.The two sessions of Taiwan's policy discussions are particularly noticeable.

However, Prime Minister Li Qiang of the State Council of the State Council of State Council opened on Tuesday (March 5) at this National People's Congress opening meeting to read this year's government work report.

When explaining this year's work, Li Qiang mentioned that it is necessary to adhere to the overall strategy of solving the Taiwan problem in the new era.Development, unswervingly promote the great cause of the motherland and safeguard the fundamental interests of the Chinese nation. "

He also mentioned that it is necessary to deepen the integration and development of cross -strait, promote the well -being of compatriots on both sides of the strait, and create a great cause of national rejuvenation together.

Bao Chengke, deputy director of the Shanghai East Asia Research Institute, analyzed in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that although the work of Taiwan is part of the government's work, the government work report mainly focuses on the exposition of the overall economic, cultural, and social development.The Central Committee held in late month has made specific settlements, so the government work report only has a programmatic statement.

The day before, when the chairman of the CPPCC National Committee Wang Huning was read on the work report of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC at the opening meeting of the CPPCC meeting, only when reviewing the work of the CPPCC in the past year, the CPPCC " Consultation of the Cross-Strait Grand Governance Forum on the Cross-Strait Cross-Strait Governance Forum on the Cross-Strait Cross-Strait Integration Development .When explaining the main tasks of the year, the cross -strait was not mentioned at all.

Wang Huning, Chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference Wang Huning (before) on March 4th at the opening meeting of the CPPCC Standing Committee to explain the main tasks of the year, the two sides of the strait were completely mentioned.(Reuters)

Wang Xinxian, a special professor of the East Asia Research Institute of Taiwan Politburo, inferred to this newspaper that Wang Huning described the work of Taiwan in the past year with "aggressive and difficult to move forward" in Taiwan.Therefore, the content of the CPPCC report and government work report are simplified.

Compared with the content of the government work report last year, this year reiterated the discussion of opposition to foreign interference that was mentioned in 2022 and retained the peaceful development of cross -strait relations;The motherland is unified. "

In addition, the report did not mention flexible shouts such as cross -strait blood connection and promoting Chinese culture together.

Bao Chengke believes that the report requires that "unswervingly promoting the great cause of the motherland" is to strengthen the promotional discussion. As for the specific practice, I believe that the "combat Taiwan independence division, curb external forces interference" proposed by Taiwan work conferences will be used.Mainly, in addition, promoting cross -strait economic and social integration and development will also be the focus.

Wang Xinxian pointed out that although the words in Li Qiang's report were slightly adjusted, the overall policy direction of Taiwan was not separated.However, he emphasized that the report simplified statement does not mean that it will reduce action, and in the future, it is bound to "do more than saying."