Li Zhaohui, deputy director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of Mainland China, returned to the mainland on Tuesday (March 5), and strictly condemned Guan Biling, the chairman of the Taiwan Marine Commission, to come back to the Golden Gate over the Golden Gate, distort the facts, and shirk responsibility;Since leaving Kinmen on March 3, it has not returned and has no message, which fully shows that the DPP official has not solved the sincerity of solving the problem.

Chen Jianren and Guan Biling, dean of the executive director of the Taiwan Legislative Yuan, reiterated that Taiwan's banning "three -free ships" (no ship name, no ship certificate, registered in the port of shipbuilding) unfortunately, he unfortunately expressed regrets and expressed regretsHowever, insisting on this matter must be investigated by the judicial organs to clarify responsibilities and be willing to soothe their families.

The Taiwan Patrol officers of the Taiwan Patrol Agency twice wanted to give the victims a family member of RMB 100,000 (S $ 18672) for condolences, but the two sides had different perceptions of the cause of the accident.

Li Zhaohui has accused the Taiwanese from doing things that have not made a convincing explanation about the truth of the incident so far, and the conflict between the words, denying the facts, and the loy are connected.Make all kinds of difficulties.

A fishing boat in mainland China collided with Taiwan ’s sea patrol boat in the Kinmen Sea on February 14th, and the two died.Representatives on both sides of the strait communicated for many days and failed to reach a consensus.Mainland Maritime Police Ship and Maritime Supervisor have recently been frequently patrolled in Kinmen and Xiamen waters.

Golden Gate turning over the incident caused the enemy's hostile spirals to continue to heat up. Zhao Chunshan, an honorary professor at the China Mainland Institute of China from the mainland visiting Taiwan, pointed out that " The mainland will move against Taiwan, I am not surprised at all .

The Taiwan National Defense Minister Qiu Guozheng said in an interview before the Legislative Yuan inquiring: "Why don't I worry? I am worried for so many years."

He emphasized that how to deal with the two sides of the strait is not a unilateral decision on the military, as well as politics and diplomacy. The military should not be rashly advanced. At presentHarmony end.

Central News Agency: Military Sea and Sky Artillery Performance Reinforcement Training Multi -frequency actual combat shooting

According to the Central News Agency, the military's "Sea and Sky Precision Ammunition Shooting Exercise" was concentrated in August and September in previous years.Frequent actual combat shooting, the 21st gun firing will fired the land -to -sword second air defense missile in April.

Qiu Guozheng was asked about whether this is related to the tension between the two sides of the strait. Because of factors such as changes in enemy situations and reinforcement training, the number of real bomb shooting training will be increased, but it will not overflow.The average distribution is usually executed.