The president of the Taiwan Legislative Yuan, South Korea ’s Yue Zhi Zhi to the opposition and the opposition party, informing them of the next Monday (February 19) to negotiate.The food security issues caused by the year make a project report.

Comprehensive reports of the Taiwan China Times United Daily Liberty Times and other reports, in response to the test lean sperm of Taiwan sugar pork, the Kuomintang said a year ago that a temporary meeting should be held in advance to allow the executive president Chen Jianren to conduct a project report, butThe DPP pointed out that the Kuomintang requested a temporary meeting during the regular meeting.

The Kuomintang Legislative Yuan party group wrote to South Korea Yu on Thursday (February 15) in the afternoon, asking Chen Jianren to lead Chen Jianren to the first Saturday (February 17) on Saturday (February 17).The general review of the security issues conducted a project report and convened the party and the party and the party to negotiate.The full text does not mention the three words of temporary meeting.

After the proposal of the Kuomintang Legislative Yuan party, South Korea ’s Yu did not convene the negotiations of the court and the field on Friday (February 16).Calling and negotiating case B, by the instructions of the dean, was interpreted by the outside world as "Korean Yu's Guns of the Kuomintang Legislative Council" due to the consideration of time and operation procedures.

The Taiwan Legislative Yuan Division notice notified on Friday afternoon that it was scheduled to conduct party and group consultations at the Red Building of the Legislative Yuan at 10.30 am next Monday.The party's eight years of administration of the party's administration caused the general review of food security issues in Taiwan "to conduct a project report, which was chaired by the dean South Korea Yu.

Xu Yuanrong, director of the director of the South Korean Yu, said that he received a document by the Kuomintang group and hoped that the Executive Yuan would make a complete project report.

Xu Yuanrong pointed out that the president of the executive Chen Jianren will visit the party members and deans at the Legislative Yuan on Saturday. South Korea ’s Yu expressed his willingness to express the concern of the people to the public.

South Korea Yu also mentioned that next Monday will invite representatives of the party and groups of the Legislative Yuan to invite the Chief Executive to the Legislative Yuan to conduct a special discussion on food safety issues.Essence

Chen Jianren led a delegation to the Legislative Yuan to visit South Korea ’s Yu and the Three Party Groups on Saturday to explain the results of the sampling inspection of the Executive Yuan on the topic of lean meat, and emphasized that the pork supply chain of Taiwan’ s pork supply chain was risks without pollution.

The Taichung City Government's inspection of the sugar company frozen plum pork slices contains lean meat "Cimbuterol" in the sugar company, which causes food safety concerns, but the Taiwan Executive Yuan emphasized that the same batches of the same batteryNone of the meat samples were found. The central and local governments held their own words. The Food and Drug Administration of the Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare subsequently launched a dual -track renewal with the Taichung City Government.