Taiwan ’s celebrity“ Good Night Chicken ”Chen Nengzheng lied in the live broadcast that he broke into the Cambodian fraud park and was arrested after being arrested by the Cambodian police.

According to the Cambodian China Times report, the police showed the clothes, military uniforms, fake guns, haircuts, and reds used by Chen Nengzheng during the press conference on Thursday (February 15).Dalogs and other tools.

Guo Zonglang, the governor of Sihanouk Province, Cambodia, said at a press conference that Chen Nengzheng and others began to plan to go to Cambodia to shoot counterfeit films as early as January this year, and arrived at Phnom Penh International Airport on February 11.Because of the reason, they could not be filmed in Phnom Penh. They then went to the port of Sihanouk and bought military uniforms and other props on the way.

Guo Zonglang said that they also bought fake guns and red blood liquids such as red blood at the central center of the port of Sihanouk on the afternoon of the 12th. They went to the bad tail building live that night.Chen Nengzheng lied that he broke into the fraud park, and the staff wearing military uniforms and fake guns entered the mirror, staged the plot of hunting and hitting Chen Nengxuan.Chen Nengzheng immediately interrupted the live broadcast and created the illusion that he lost contact.

Guo Zonglang also said that after the live broadcast on the evening of the 12th, Chen Nengyi and others returned to the hotel to rest.Chen Nengzheng appeared on the afternoon of the 13th, and deliberately put on clothes cut with a large hole, showing himself in front of the camera to escape from the park and the body of the body being beaten and shocking.

Guo Zonglang pointed out that Chen Neng's loss of contact attracted the attention of the police and immediately launched an investigation. Later, he found that this was Chen Nengzhang's self -directed and self -directed and self -directed.

The police arrested Lu Zuxian, "Ah Hun", who filmed a fraud film with Chen Nengzheng and filmed a fake film together.

Chen Nengzheng and Lu Zuxian kneeling at the press conference and begged forgiveness.Guo Zonglang said that the two would be transferred to the law office, and after the sentence was over, they would be deported.

According to the Taiwan United Daily report, the Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Thursday that neither the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Pavilion Department of the Foreign Pavilion were involved in assistance. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs respected the investigation and trial of the Cambodian police and judicial units.