(Honia La / Taipei Comprehensive News) The Solomon Islands of the South Pacific Island State are expected to hold a national election in April. The security relationship with mainland China has become a key issue for the elections of various political parties.The opposition joint party said that it would consider re -examining the security agreement with mainland China and seeking to rebuild a relationship with Taiwan.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan will take it seriously.

Solomon Islands shifted its diplomatic relations from Taiwan to mainland China in 2019. The Democratic Progressive Governance Leaders led by Prime Minister Sogovre signed a security agreement with mainland China in 2023.The move caused alertness in the United States and Australia, and was worried that China would establish a naval base in the Pacific region.

Solomon Star reported on Wednesday (February 14) reported that the joint party on behalf of Kenililea criticized that the security agreement signed with mainland China caused unnecessary tensions, "we put ourselves in the giants where they are locatedIn the arena, we became the grass that giants had stepped on. "

He believes that the cancellation of the security agreement can relieve tension, but at the same time emphasizes that it does not exclude partnership with mainland China.He also mentioned that the Solomon Islands should re -establish contact with Taiwan and seek more diplomatic partners.

Reuters reports that the Solomon Islands opposition leader Wil said on Wednesday, or decided the relationship between the Solomon Islands and mainland China through a referendum.He criticized Sogovarel's failure to consult the provincial governments when he decided to establish diplomatic relations with mainland China, causing the largest province to cooperate with Beijing, the largest province.

Sogovre was held in Hennia in Hennia, and the gymnasium used by Beijing was emphasized by Beijing as an example. It was a major harvest of the Solomon Islands' diplomacy.

Taiwan Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Yongjian responded on February 15 that Taiwan has always been open -minded with the open attitude.Any opportunities to help enhance Taiwan's international status and expand international space, the Taiwan Foreign Ministry of Foreign Affairs is seriously viewed.