(Taipei Comprehensive News) The Taiwan Guoguang Theater Troupe held the new year's box opening ceremony to follow the ancient ceremony to welcome the ancestor of the drama, Tang Minghuang, to return to concubine.A series of repertoires were performed at the scene in order to show the charm and inheritance of traditional opera.

According to historical records, Tang Xuanzong Li Longji "both knows the rhythm and loves the Faqu, and chose to sit on the three hundred children and teach it in Liyuan."After the opera industry, it is called the children of Liyuan, and worshiped Tang Xuanzong as the ancestor of the opera industry, which has continued to this day.

Comprehensive Civil Daily and Youth Daily reported that the Taiwan Guoguang Opera Troupe held a New Year box opening ceremony at the Taiwan Opera Center on Thursday (February 15).At the unpacking site, Bazaxian Xianshou, Tianshi prayed, and God of Wealth Jinbao had auspiciously auspicious and the meaning of auspicious meaning, and they were all presented by the new generation of actors.

The Guoguang Theater Company follows the tradition and holds the box and sealing ceremony each year.The blocking ceremony is usually held before the Lunar New Year. At that time, the new robe will be replaced for the ancestor of the gods, and it will be placed in a coat box containing python robes, official clothes, rich clothes and hi gods, and then puts on "Boxing Daji"., Represent the end of one year.At the beginning of the Chinese New Year, the troupe will hold the box opening ceremony to take out the costumes in the coat box, symbolizing the new year, and welcomes the ancestor to complete the recovery of the job from the heaven.

Two members of the Guoguang Theater Troupe raised the statue of the ancestor on February 15 and welcomed them.(Agence France -Presse)

The unpacking ceremony was the first time to open to the public after the crown disease epidemic.Zhang Yuhua, the head of the Guoguang Theater Troupe, said that they insisted on creating Taiwan's Beijing -Kunming New Aesthetics, committed to pushing the troupe to stand on the international stage, and became the representative theater in Taiwan.