Honduras, a country in Central America, announced that it had broken diplomatic relations with Taiwan in March last year and established diplomatic relations with mainland China. Now Honduras still owe Taiwan $ 440 million (about S $ 592 million).The Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded when they were questioned. This was the Bank of Taiwan's commercial loan to the Honduras government. Honduras still repaid normally without breach of contract.

The La Prensa (La Prensa) reported on Wednesday (February 14) that Honduras and Taiwan had broken their diplomatic relations for nearly 11 months and still owed more than $ 400 million.

According to the data released by the Ministry of Finance of Honduras, as of the end of 2023, Honduras had a total of US $ 440 million in arrears in Taiwan.

In addition, as of the end of 2023, Honduras still owe Taiwan Land Bank 3.3 million US dollars.After Hongtai's diplomatic relations in March last year, Hondulas's arrears against Taiwan totaled 449 million US dollars.According to official information, these loans have been issued to Honduras since 1999.

According to reports, after the current President Xiomara Castro came to power in January 2022, Honduras did not borrow from Taiwan.A recent loan was reached by 300 million US dollars in 2019 during the administration of former President Juan Orlando Hernández.These loans are used for housing reconstruction and school facilities.

According to the Taiwan Liberty Times, Taiwan Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Yongjian should be inquired on Friday (February 16) that the debt of Hong Guocai in the report is the Taiwan bank industry and HongLoan loan conducted based on the commercial loan model.The borrowing contract contains the rights and obligations of both parties, and a dispute settlement mechanism and litigation jurisdiction mechanism is set.Therefore, even if the relationship between Taiwan has changed and the loan contract is not affected, Hong Guo must continue to repay the principal and interest to Bank of Taiwan according to contract.

Liu Yongjian pointed out that the current loan cases of Hong Guo to Taiwan are normal repayment and there is no breach of contract.In the future, if there is a breach of contract, the Bank of Taiwan can also recover from international judicial channels according to commercial loan practice.