Mike Gallagher, chairman of the US -China Strategic Competition Special Committee of the US House of Representatives, translates to Taiwan next Wednesday (February 21).Scholars expected that the Republican political star will pay attention to the sales of Taiwan's military sales to strengthen the aggression against Beijing's attack.

The Taiwan United Daily News reported on Tuesday (February 13) that Garrat would lead six members to visit Taiwan. It is expected to meet with the Democratic President Lai Qingde and the Kuomintang legislator Han Yu. South Korea Yu was elected on February 1 and vowed as the Legislative Dean ,This will be the first time that he has received a visit to the US Congress after receiving the Legislative Yuan.Lai Qingde will swore the president on May 20.

When the Gragger's office was questioned, the above news was not commented.He expressed his intention to visit Taiwan in the U.S. Congress at the end of last month, but did not confirm the date.He said at the time that for members of the committee, visiting Taiwan would help policy formulation.

The 39 -year -old Gragell was regarded as the Huagong School. Since its establishment of the Special Committee of the United States and China Strategic Competition Special Committee last January, the principal has pushed the Taiwan Strait conflict, allowing parliament members to understand its seriousness.He also made 10 suggestions to Taiwan's policy, including fast delivery of military sales projects, expanding joint training in the United States, and the establishment of a joint combat command center in the Indo -Pacific region, etc., and included in the next year's National Defense Authorization Act, NDAA), urging the Biden government to implement.

Garragell visited Taiwan from February 17 to 20 last year, met with Taiwan and Deputy Cai Yingwen and Lai Qingde, and the Minister of Defense Qiu Guozheng and the Chief of the Intelligence.After returning to the United States, he was interviewed by the Washington Post, only to reveal the news of visiting Taiwan. Cai Yingwen in April of Last April, McCarthy, California, California Historical meeting, Garrat stood beside McCarthy.

Garrat is also a doctor of studying the history of the Cold War. Before politics, he has been an intelligence officer of the Marine Corps before politics.He was regarded as the star of the Republican Tomorrow, but last Saturday (February 10) announced that he retired from Congress after the end of January 3 next year, and no longer seek re -election.

Professor Lu Yezhong, deputy dean of the School of International Affairs of Taiwan Politburo, evaluated in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post. Although Gragel announced his incomparable appointment, he did not mean that his political career was over.After all, he is still young, the style of politics is rational, and the experience of the army, think tanks and Congress, as long as he is interested in engaging in public affairs, there will still be a chance to go to the next level, including possible campaign governors, or enter the Presidential election after the Republican Party won the presidential election.Pavilion.

Lu Industry pointed out that the Garragell published an instant comment at the Washington Post on the night of the end of the Taiwan election, saying that nearly 14 million Taiwanese voters' democratic voting behaviors under the threat of the CCP and Japan were the official claim that "the unity of the motherland is the unity of the motherland is the motherland.History must be veto.He believes that the significance of Garrat's visit to Taiwan is not only "graduation travel", but also to show the political energy of the US -China Strategic Competition Special Committee through visits, including the consensus of the United States cross -party standing and countering Beijing.

Lu Industry also said that Garrat has been calling for the "Democratic Arsenal" in the second half of last year in the second half of last year."Arsenal" to help Taiwan and other allies to scare the threat of Beijing to attack Taiwan.He believes that Garragell's visit to Taiwan will also closely pay close attention to the US military sales projects in Taiwan. Will it be delayed because the Russian and Ukraine War has been delayed for two years.