The Taiwan Centers for Disease Contraisal decrypted the high -end vaccine procurement contract in advance, and reiterated that the entire case of high -end vaccine procurement was handled in accordance with the law.

The Taiwan CDC issued a press release on the official website stating that high -end vaccine biological preparation Co., Ltd. on Tuesday (January 16), after the decision of the board of directors, agreed to disclose the vaccine procurement contract in advance.It was announced at the press conference.

The CDC explains that according to the procurement contract and confidentiality contract signed by high -end companies, both parties must keep the contract confidential. This approach is compared with international business practices.In the contract, there is a confidentiality clause, the purpose is to clearly order the obligations of both parties, so that both the rights and interests of the buyers and sellers will be guaranteed.The original confidentiality period until the contract was signed five years after the contract was signed, and it was Zhao Gongxin. Both parties agreed to make public publicity in advance.

The Department of CDC reiterated that the promotion of various crown vaccine procurement and vaccination programs adheres to the professional and preferred consideration of the health and well -being of the people, and all administratively follow the law.The high -end vaccine procurement case has been investigated and inquired by the Supervisory Institute, the Audit Department and the Legislative Yuan in the past. It has been fully accepted the inspection, and there is nothing to sue.The end shows that the government does not avoid supervision or involves any illegal affairs.

The press release of the Taiwan CDC also attached the full text of the procurement contract 58 pages.The contract shows that the total procurement of high -end vaccines is 4.03 billion yuan (NT $ NT $ 171 million), the number of performance delivery is 5 million doses, the multiple dose type is 810 yuan per dose, the single dose is 881 yuan per dose per doseEssence

During the crown disease epidemic in Taiwan, high -end vaccines obtained emergency use authorization (EUA) in the name of "domestic vaccine", but afterwards, they detonated controversy.

In July 2021, after the results of the second phase of the second phase of the clinical trial were released, the third phase of the clinical trial was jumped in the "immune bridge" method, but it was still successful.However, before the results of the second phase of the clinical trials on May 7, 2021, the Ministry of Health and Welfare had signed a contract with high -end and purchased 5 million doses, causing the outside world to question the government's escort high -end vaccine, slowing the progress of vaccine imports, and even caused stock trading speculation.Wait for doubt.

The opposition party criticized the Taiwan government to refuse to disclose a high -end vaccine procurement contract. The party presidential candidate Ke Wenzhe said at the Presidential TV Debate at the end of last year that the high -end vaccine procurement contract was sealed for 30 years and provided important projects for legislators for review.Lai Qingde, who was all black and required to be a doctor, was also a doctor who was also a doctor of the DPP presidential candidate at the time, explaining his attitude towards high -end vaccine procurement cases.

Lai Qingde responded on the spot: "I agree to be public." He said that the high -end price has been announced, the Legislative Yuan has also been reviewed, and the supervisory court has also reviewed.Malicious attack.