With the end of the Taiwan election, Chen Jianren, the president of the Executive President, reported that he intends to unload his position before February 1, and the DPP is also discussing possible candidates.

The Democratic Progressive Party candidate Lai Qingde and Xiao Meiqin won in the presidential election on January 13, but the legislature was not less than half of the seats.Chen Jianren reportedly resigned from Tsai Ing -wen on January 13 to reorganize the cabinet, but he was reserved by Tsai Ing -wen. It may not go down with Tsai Ing -wen on May 20.

But the comprehensive mirror weekly reported reports that some DPP party and government personnel revealed that in order to respondTotal resignation.

In response to the layout of the new administrative dean, the DPP insiders analyzed that the first Pavilion of the new government will appoint scholar -type officials to reform, and the second will use factions to be horses or in the party or party.Meso -generation figures harvested the reform of the former Pavilion.

In terms of candidates, former Culture Minister Zheng Lijun, Gu Lixiong, Secretary -General of the National Security Council, former party chairman Zhuo Rongtai, and former Minister of Communications Lin Jialong, the highest voices.Among them, Zheng Lijun played a key role in this election because he led the Youth Platform Foundation and assisted Lai Qingde to integrate policies and the trend of national policies.

Gu Lixiong was a member of Lai Qingde's cabinet. The two have already accumulated a certain interactive model, tacit understanding and mutual trust foundation; and Zhuo Rongtai's legislature and court have a complete qualifications.At the time, he interacted with the then president of the Executive Yuan Lai Qingde; Lin Jialong's qualifications were complete, and he was also the leader of the DPP's second largest faction.