After the end of Taiwan elections, the Ministry of National Security of Mainland China said that anti-split national law is a high suspension.The sword above the "Taiwan independence" split power refers to the "Taiwan independence" division forces instead of Taiwanese civilians, and it shows that when adopting a non -peaceful way, it will protect the legitimate rights and interests of Taiwan's civilians as much as possible.

The "Ministry of National Security" WeChat public account on Tuesday (January 16) published an article entitled "Anti -split National Fal The Sword High Suspiein", saying that since the implementation of this law for 19 years, in order to maintain the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait, promote, promote, promote, promote the Taiwan Strait.The development of cross -strait relations provides a solid guarantee of the rule of law.

The article explains the content of the anti -split national law with the four parts of the sword.The maintenance of the Taiwan Strait is peaceful and stable, not aimed at the people of Taiwan.

The article says that the law states three cases of "the country must adopt non -peaceful methods and other necessary measures": the "Taiwan independence" split forces cause the facts of Taiwan to split from China in any name and way;The major incident of splitting; the possibility of peace and unity is completely lost.These all clarify the country's red line on cross -strait relations.

The horn handle and the scabbard, the article emphasizes that the anti -split national law "clarifies the rights and obligations of the motherland's unity in terms of legislation, and will be based on peaceful unity.

The article mentioned that the law stipulates that when adopting non -peaceful methods and other necessary measures, it is necessary to report to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress in a timely manner, and it will do its best to protect the safety and safety and property of Taiwanese civilians and foreigners in Taiwan in Taiwan.Other legitimate rights and interests reduce losses.

The article says that anti -split national laws not only designate the red line to curb the "Taiwan independence" division activities, but also provide a broad space for the peaceful development of cross -strait relations and enter the virtuous circle in peacetime.

The article states that Article 6 and 7 of the law use a large amount of space on the basis of cross -strait on the basis of full political mutual trust, and carry out a step -by -step negotiations on peaceful and unified and unified."Under the guidance and protection of anti -split national law, compatriots on both sides of the strait will be more deeply appreciated with a sense of national identity with bloodline connections and rest."

The article finally wrote that the DPP has only the private interest of its own party, and regardless of the interests of the people on both sides of the strait, let alone the life and death of front -line intelligence personnel."The unrighteous move, the way of the big bank, there is only one ending, that is, the body is broken, the body is defeated."