Shi Mingde, former chairman of the DPP, known as "Mandela, Taiwan", resigned on Monday (January 15) at the age of 83.

This day is also Shi Mingde's birthday. Shi Mingde's daughter Shi Yan and Shi Mina posted on Facebook that Shi Mingde did not have a jealous day. Only birthdays, the spirit and value of defending the life will be born in the world for a long time.

In December last year, Chen Wenqian, a Taiwanese media person, revealed in a political theory program that Shi Mingde lived in the intensive care unit due to liver cancer, and his life was dying.

Shi Mingde was born in Kaohsiung in 1941. When he served as an artillery officer in Kinmen in 1962, he was arrested and imprisoned for the Taiwan Independence Alliance case and was sentenced to life imprisonment.

Chiang Kai -shek died in 1975, Shi Mingde was released, and he was put into the party movement, advocating the dismissal of party ban, reporting ban and martial law, and re -election for the Wannian Congress.

In 1979 and "Republic of China", the Taiwan government announced the suspension of the election and broke out of the beautiful island incident.Shi Mingde, who was commanded by the beautiful island incident event, was in his pockets during the military law, and smiled, and he was impressive.He was sentenced to a life imprisonment for the second time, and he was not released until Li Denghui was president in 1990.

In November 1993, Shi Mingde took over as the Chairman of the Democratic Progressive Party and won the Party Chairman in May 1994.In March 1996, Shi Mingde resigned the party chairman because of the DPP's election in Taiwan.

Shi Mingde advocated that Taiwan should be independent. In fact, it has been independent for more than 30 years. The current name is "Republic of China".It is the predecessor of the DPP that the Democratic Progressive Party, which is currently governed in 1992.

Shi Mingde has served as a legislature in 1992, and requested that the presidential direct election of violations of the assembly parade, and then entered the prison for 41 days, for a total of 25 years in prison.

After the democratization of Taiwan, the DPP obtained the regime for the first time in 2000. The family of President Chen Shui -bian and his relatives were corruption and corruption.Shi Mingde publicly called for millions of people to "reverse" in 2006, setting off the trend of "upside down".

But the "inverted" operation was not supported by the party members of the same party. The Red Shirts led by Shi Mingde were in front of the Presidential Palace for more than a month.Kaohsiung City Government blocked.Shi Mingde, who has been in prison for many years, was even pointed out by the green camps to "the Tongtong of the Communist Party of China."He retreated to the party because he was unable to agree with the DPP led by Chen Shui -bian.

In the 1990s, when the unification of independence was seriously opposed, Shi Mingde, in order to resolve the conflict, and the new party legislator Zhao Shaokang, who resolutely had a very different political position, drank the "big coffee" and discussed the "big coalition government".As the director of the Legislative Legislative, but the DPP legislator Zhang Jinsheng runs the ticket under Chen Shui -bian's operation, Shi Mingde hates with a vote.

Zhao Shaokang, the candidate of the Kuomintang Vice President, recalled this experience that "Da Cai Coffee" and "Great United Government" can not only resolve provincial -regional opposition and promote party reconciliation, but unfortunately failed; although "people's new flexibilityThe coup "did not succeed, but created a precedent for cooperation in the field, and Shi Mingde also suffered great pressure within the DPP for this.

In 1994, Shi Mingde proposed the "Golden Horse withdrawal theory", which caused protests from the Golden Horse people.Is the golden horse he used in his later years to be a granity or a bait?The sub -marker of the book is "Sub -sending General Secretary Xi a beam of olive branches".

他说,送出这束橄榄枝,不是因为害怕中国,而是因为战争真的无情,和平真的无价,希望让“金马永久非军事区”扩大为“厦门金门及平潭马祖永久非"Military District and Heping Special Economic Zone" has become a new window for cross -strait heart communication.

Shi Mingde's "big reconciliation coffee" and the proposal on both sides of the strait are worthy of thinking that the party who is in the three parties will be thought to be in a three -party party.