The U.S. State Department stated that she was disappointed with the announcement of the Pacific Island Naulu announcement.

less than 48 hours after the DPP presidential candidate Lai Qingde was elected, Nauru announced that it had broken diplomatic relations with Taiwan on Monday (January 15) and resumed diplomatic relations with mainland China.

The U.S. State Department spokesman Miller said on Monday, a local time on the official website, saying that the Nauru government announced on Monday that it was a decision to break the diplomatic relationship with Taiwan.Decide.

Miller said that Taiwan is a democratic partner worthy of trust and similar ideas.The People's Republic of China often makes a promise that cannot be fulfilled in exchange for diplomatic relations."We encourage all countries to expand their exchanges with Taiwan and continue to support democracy, good governance, transparency and follow the rule of law."

Miller said that the United States will continue to deepen and expand exchanges with Taiwan on the basis of sharing benefits and value, support Taiwan to participate in the international community meaningfully, and deepen economic relations with Taiwan.A Chinese policy adhered to the United States.

According to Reuters, the US Association (AIT) chairman Laura Rosenberger said on Tuesday (16th) in Taipei that the decision between Nauru and Taiwan's broken diplomatic relations was ""Unfortunately".

Nauru said in a disconnected statement that according to the UN General Assembly No. 2758, the People's Republic of China passed in 1971, the People's Republic of China replaced the Republic of China in the United Nations Chinese representative seat.Nauru decided to break off diplomatic relations with Taiwan on the grounds of this and resume diplomatic relations with mainland China.

Rosenberg said that the above resolution was interpreted."The resolution No. 2758 of the United Nations General Assembly did not determine the status of Taiwan, nor did it rule out the establishment of diplomatic relations with Taiwan, and it did not rule out that Taiwan participated in the United Nations organization.Their doubts and diplomatic relations on the international stage are disappointing. "