The cross -party delegation composed of former US senior officials arrived in Taiwan the next day in the Taiwan election.Xiao Meiqin and two defeated candidates in the wild party.In this regard, mainland China has expressed his firm opposition.

The cross -party delegation composed of

Stephen Hadley, a former US Republican advisor Stephen Hadley, and former Democratic Secretary of State James Steinberg.Accompanied by Laura Rosenberger, he arrived in Taiwan on Sunday (January 14).Both Hudeli and Stan Berg have a doctorate degree in law from Yale University, and they are also Taiwan's Taiwan Tong, which are familiar with cross -strait affairs. They have long -term consultation for US diplomacy and national defense policy.

Taiwan and the United States officially emphasized that this visit is a private itinerary of "follow -up". In 2000 and 2016, which won the governing power twice, the United States sent similar delegations to visit Taiwan.However, different from the past, this visit is more high -profile, and it is also carried out immediately after the election of the Taiwan election.

The US delegation met with Cai Yingwen, Lai Qingde and Xiao Meiqin on Monday morning, and met with the Kuomintang New Taipei Mayor Hou Youyi and the Chairman of the People's Party, Ke Wenzhe, in the afternoon.The four meetings were not disclosed.

Hudley and Tsai Ing -wen said that he would convey signals that the American cross -party faction firmly supported the continued cooperation with Taiwan, looking forward to continuing the relationship between the two parties under the leadership of the new government and maintaining peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait.Stein Berg said that the policy of cross -party party party Taiwan has a long -lasting policy. The relationship between the two sides is informal but friendly. He insists on solving cross -strait issues in a peaceful manner, attaches importance to dialogue and avoid unilateral changes in the status quo.

The delegation also represented the American people, facing Lai Xiao Zhiga.Lai Qingde responded that the United States immediately issued a congratulatory statement and sent a group to visit Taiwan after the election, fully showing strong support for Taiwan's democracy.He mentioned that although Mainland China continued to harass Taiwan with military and gray areas, Taiwan could calmly respond to and cooperate with partners, including the United States, to maintain the status quo of peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait.

Hou Youyi accompanied the United States with the Kuomintang legislators Jiang Qichen and others. He thanked the United States for concern and said that he had a smooth communication with AIT. In the future, he will continue to promote municipalities and build New Taipei.

Ke Wenzhe received a delegation with the new legislators Huang Shanshan and others. He revealed that the Party Legislative Yuan of the People's Party Legislative Yuan will focus on the reform of the internal affairs and the Legislative Yuan, adhering to the principle of seeking the people's maximum well -being, and communicate with his party.Avoid causing the country's emptiness "as the highest principle.

In the past few days, the US officer delegation visited Taiwan for high attention. Huang Kuibo, a professor of the Department of Foreign Affairs of the University of Political Science, pointed out that the United States may use this to make a statement to Beijing. The United States will follow the tacit or consensus of the "Guoan Dialogue" with the mainland in accordance with the mainland's "guardrail -style Guoan"., Actively control the DPP, a variable that may cause tension in the Taiwan Strait.

On the other hand, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China Mao Ning said in a regular press conference on Monday: "The election of Taiwan is a local affairs in China. China has always resolutely opposed the official exchanges of the United States and Taiwan.Resolutely oppose the United States to interfere in Taiwan's affairs in any way and any excuses.

Mao Ning also urged the United States to recognize the extreme complexity and sensitivity of the Taiwan issue, and effectively adhere to the three joint communiqués of China and China and the United States."Two China" or "One China and One", do not seek to take Taiwan's issue as a tool to curb China, and other commitments to be implemented.Taiwan independence "split power issued any error signal.

In response to countries such as the United States and Japan, they expressed their preparations for sending groups to Taiwan to congratulate. Mao Ning reiterated that a political basis for the establishment and development of diplomatic relations between China and countries in the world. Violation of the principle of violations of the first China is to interfere with China's internal affairs and infringe on China's sovereignty.