Source: Taiwan Zhongshi News Network

Author: Zhao Chunshan

Former US Secretary of State Kissinger recently visited mainland China recently.Kissinger has always published high theory in international media in recent years, especially for Sino -US relations.In May of this year, during his interview with economists on his centenarian birthday, he expressed his concerns about military conflict between the two strong and US outbreaks of China and the United States.

Kissinger's trip to the mainland is just a sensitive timing of Sino -US relations, so it is inevitable that the outside world believes that he has a special task of intermediary transmission.Kissinger likes to engage in "secret diplomacy". His masterpiece is to visit mainland China in July 1971. Not only did he pave the way for the "Century Journey" of the following year, but also finally promoted the normalization of the two countries.

During the stay in Beijing in Beijing, he not only met with Wang Yi, director of the Mainland Government Foreign Affairs Office, and Li Shangfu, the Minister of Defense Li Shangfu, but also received a high -standard reception of Xi Jinping, a mainland government leader Xi Jinping.Kissinger's position is often classified as "pro -Chinese school". The biggest harvest of his trip is Xi Jinping's phrase "the Chinese people will always remember you"; at the same time, Xi also said: "I hope you will have the United States and the United StatesThe scholars continue to return to the correct track to promote Sino -US relations and play a constructive role. "

Promoting Sino -US high -level dialogue is an important goal to reach the trip of Kissinger, and it is also the expectation of the Biden government.However, Beijing requires that only the US sanctions against Li Shangfu can resume the dialogue between the two countries. The US Secretary of Defense Austin emphasized that "dialogue is not a reward, it is necessary."

In fact, the biggest difference between China and the United States existing is that although China believes that Bayeng's understanding of the US -China conflict may bring catastrophic consequences, the United States not only wants to decompose with the Chinese economy, but also combines allies in the military to form a strategic strategy for China to form a strategic strategy for ChinaCover.Wang Yi let go of the meeting with Kissinger this time, and curbing or surrounding China is "impossible."

Kissinger was once regarded as a diplomatic wizard; but ironic is that in 1973, Kissinger had reached a peace agreement reached by the Nobel (Nobel).The Peace Prize; but the war continued until 1975, and Lede Shou finally even refused to accept this controversial peace prize.

The international strategy pattern is not the same as before. Kissinger's drama with a balanced power of power in the "United China -China Soviet" was unable to apply to the rapidly changing international situation today.The Russian and Ukraine War made the United States exhausted and carelessly, that is, there was a dilemma that fell into the enemy.Kissinger once admitted that China -Russia alliance is the biggest nightmare in his heart.

Kissinger is a typical international political realist, and he has only power and interests in his eyes.The mainland government emphasizes "making new friends and not forgetting old friends", but to talk about the objects of solving problems, or those who really have power.Kissinger has already withdrawn from the political stage. As the cross -strait expert Bonnie Glaser said, China attaches great importance to the friendship with Kissinger. The message he brings will be listened, but it remains to be observed whether it is adopted.

The United States has expectations for Kissinger, but deliberately dilute his political color.A spokesman for the State Council, Miller, said Kissinger is an ordinary citizen and does not represent the US government.Miller emphasized: "I don't know that there are any plans between the government and Kissinger, but if he reports his dialogue to the officials here at some time, I will not be surprised."

The situation is stronger than people. Kissinger may also hope to play a conspiracy between China and the United States; but "Lian is old, can still eat or not", Kissinger's mood at this moment should be full of "hero useless useless useless useful useThe many helplessness of "martial arts".

(the author is an honorary professor of the China Institute of China Tamkang University)