Taiwan's "blue and white" in the wild is in an impasse. Ke Wenzhe, the candidate of the party's president, said, "As long as the method is fair and conforms to procedural justice, I will accept who is the voting."

Ke Wenzhe posted on Facebook on Facebook on Wednesday (November 1) that under the arrangement of Monday (October 30), under the arrangement of the Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun, he and Zhu Lilun and the Kuomintang president Hou Youyi metNoodles, explore how to push the presidential candidates in the wild.

Ke Wenzhe said: "Mayor Hou does not accept the national tone, I think that the open preliminary selection is not feasible, because the time is insufficient, but the game mobilizes, it cannot truly reflect public opinion."

Ke Wenzhe also said that for the Kuomintang's proposed in the field, "My only requirement from beginning to end is a fair, fair, and open rules of the competition. As long as the method is fair and in line with procedural justice, whoever is positive and who is in the votes will be, I will beAccept. "He believes that using the whole polls to reflect the true public opinion and find out the combination of victory in order to avoid doubts about black boxes and secret room politics.

Ke Wenzhe pointed out that even if the integration seems to be touched, "don't worry. After several talks, Chairman Zhu Lilun I agree that Taiwan must carry out the third wave of democratic revolution., To end a political system with power and no responsibility, and also promise to keep fiscal discipline. "

Comprehensive Free Times and ETTODAY News reported that Hou Youyi responded on Thursday (November 2) that Ke Wenzhe's above remarks said that now that he has entered a party negotiation, you should not return to the origin. Both parties should come up with a new one.Face, don't live up to the people's expectations.

For media reports, Hou Youyi said an ultimatum under the negotiations of Lan and Baihe. It means that Friday (November 3) is the deadline. After that, there is no need to talk about anything.Hou Youyi said in response, "The train does not wait for someone to pass the station, and the time does not wait, so everyone should face this problem quickly to meet the people's expectations."Hou's above -mentioned remarks commented on the prospect of "Blue and White", "As long as Blue and White still adhere to their own game rules, whether it is a local discussion or an open preliminary selection, it is destined to be Ke Hou or Hou Ke.Full, reality is very skinny. "