2024 Taiwan and legislators have only more than 70 days. Taiwan Guoan people said on Thursday (November 2nd) that Mainland China has changed from "suspicion and American theory" to operation.The choice of choice; recently, the Shandong Aircraft Group went to the Philippine sea performance training, as well as the "danger to enter" of mainland military aircraft. In addition to scary to Taizi, it mainly condenses the morale of the mainland army and as a bargaining chip for the meeting of the U.S. -Central Persons.

According to the Taiwan Central News Agency quoted by Taiwan, the people of Taiwan pointed out that the mainland's public opinion methods and offensives of Taiwan have been continuously renovated.It becomes the main theme, and the second theme is the "good story of China" based on the topic of Huawei's new mobile phone 7 nano -chip, emphasizing that Huawei's "semiconductor battlefield" issues such as the first and sales of Huawei in mainland China are the first, and the sales volume continues to lead.

Guoan said that by the end of October, the "Harmony Decision Theory" has entered a new wave of publicity.Song Tao, Director of the Mainland China State Council, emphasized on October 31 at the 19th Guitai Economic and Trade and Culture Cooperation Forum that the split of Taiwan independence violated the common will of compatriots on both sides of the strait, and will only push Taiwan to the dangerous situation of soldiers., Prosperity and decline, two prospects for the two roads.

In the PLA system, Guoan said that Zhang Youxia, vice chairman of the CPC Central Military Commission, appealed to the United States when he attended the Beijing Xiangshan Forum on October 30 that "cannot deliberately challenge to major sensitive issues" and emphasize "No matter who wants to split Taiwan in any form, the Chinese army will never agree, and never be soft. "

In addition, He Lei, former deputy dean of the Chinese Academy of Military Sciences of the PLA Think Tank System, also stated at the Xiangshan Forum that China is the only permanent member of the United Nations Security Council.If force to solve the Taiwan problem, it will be a unified battle, legal battle and justice battle that occupies morality and legal highlands.

Taiwan Guoan pointed out that the Guitai Forum and the Xiangshan Forum are the "cultural attack" level., Canada recently disclosed that the "danger of danger" in the air in the air, that is, the strategy of approaching the conflict that is commonly used in the mainland.

Analysis of Guoan people, in addition to the pressure of Taiwan, Martial Arts is also accustomed to raising regional pressure before negotiating in the United States and China, hoping to exchange for a certain degree of negotiating opponents;) In November, it will be held in San Francisco. Increasing martial arts aggression is to go to the United States for the foreign minister of China, Wang Yi, to discuss the meeting with President Xi Jinping of Mainland China and the US President Biden to accumulate negotiation chips.

However, the national security people pointed out that on the attitude of the mainland, Beijing obviously does not want the two parties to be "on the sidelines" at the APEC. It is hoped that at least a country is an G2 meeting with a global pattern, but the United StatesIt is emphasized that this is only to worship the two of them.

In addition, because the mainland recently dispatched many senior generals of the PLA, and the morale of the army was afraid of shaking the army.Training condensed military hearts.

As for the recent appearance of the public opinion field in mainland China, they would change Taiwan after the Pakistani War.In the two wars, including Baza; but from the perspective of "two sides", it can also be interpreted as a good preparation for war internally, and the mainland will tighten internal control.

In the involvement of the Taiwan election, Guoan said that Foxconn's taxation was undoubtedly selected, but it was launched by the business department in the past."The Lord" is not just Taiwan. Many Canadian members and even Prime Minister Trudeau have been attacked by fake videos, and it is also a selected state of intervention in the Canadian internal affairs.

For short videos for Taiwan, Guoan pointed out that the impact of short videos is to gradually divide and dredge and discuss rational discussions and destroy the legitimate procedure of democracy;Only India, other countries can only achieve public officials or mobile phones with official systems, and short videos are prohibited.