The Roman Catholic Pope Francis has recently launched the longest foreign visits since he took office for more than 11 years, and visited the four countries in Southeast Asia for 12 days.Fang Ji, 87, has visited Southeast Asian countries many times, but once visiting the four countries is the most.The first stop of the visit is Indonesia, the country with the largest Muslim population in Indonesia. Fang Ji, who must take a wheelchair, signed a joint declaration with the Indonesian Muslim Church Chiefs, called on the two religious believers to cooperate to promote the common political leader of the world.Copy climate change and extremism threats.When meeting with each other, Fang Ji kissed Nasarudin's hand, Nasutadin returned to Fang Ji's head, and the friendly and interactive news photos spread throughout the world, which was extremely touching and meaningful.

When Fang Ji met with Indonesian President Zako, he particularly emphasized that cross -religious ties must be strengthened to cope with religious extremism and unreasonable behavior.He also emphasized that extremism could not allow extremism to interpret religious teachings and spread extremist ideas through deception and violence.

Fang Ji will visit Singapore the day after tomorrow. For Singapore, which has long -term emphasis on religion and racial harmony and firmly supports diversity, the Pope shows the purpose of religious harmony and cooperation and resisting extremism threats. It is particularly worthy of the Chinese.Having experienced, it is also in line with the secular spirit emphasized by Singapore's society.

This scheduled scheduled to be delayed due to crown disease epidemic in 2020, and the choice of access to the location has special significance.Before Fang Ji, there were two Roman Pope visited Indonesia. The Holy See had a long period of connection with Indonesia. The leaders of the world's two major religions could face face -to -face and jointly declare and advocate the positive values ​​of harmony, peace, etc.significance.

In recent years, Indonesia's religious extreme activities have emerged endlessly and have attracted international attention. Fang Ji and Nasarudin's call for the follow -up response in the local area is worth observing.Just after Fang Ji ended the Indonesian itinerary, the Indonesian counter -terrorism department announced that it crushed a conspiracy to attack Fang Ji and arrested seven people, including followers of the Islamic State Organization.

East Timor, which just founded the country in 2002, is a Catholic country. Most of Papua New Guinea also considers itself a Christian. Both countries are the most poor countries in the region.In addition to faith, there are different cares, such as calling for multinational companies in Papua New Guinea to treat workers better.

The current world is facing a long -term Russia and Ukraine war and the conflict of Yhah, which is directly involved in religion, and the atmosphere of opposition and conflict continues to expand day after day. Human rationality and tolerance ideas are facing major tests.When President Shangdaman went to work in Italy in late June, he met with Fang Ji. At that time, the Pope talked about the world that the world needed to end the war and conflict, because it brought huge pain.The two sides also discussed the harmony between religion and believed that they are more important now than ever.Fang Ji's speech in Indonesia did not involve specific international events, but he produced a demonstration role by displaying the principle.

Fang Ji told the church when Fang Ji each told the church when he was promoted by the Catholic Church in Jakarta that the teachings of the church "do not mean that our beliefs are imposed on people or opposed to other people's beliefs", and Fang Ji and Nasharudin signed signature.The joint declaration pointed out anxiously that the generalization of generalization and conflict highlight the global de -humanization phenomenon, and religion is often reduced to tools in this area, which is particularly worrying.The declaration wrote that the role of religion should be to promote and protect the dignity of every life.

These words fully express the spirit of religion and the spirit of harmonious coexistence.Behind the Harbin conflict involving the ideological disputes between the Jews and the Palestinian and the two religions for thousands of religions, they are not allowed to remind the world to remind the world for harmony.In fact, in the vast majority of countries, different religious believers can live peacefully. As long as they reject the incitement, distortions, and confusion of extremism, different believers will not necessarily have hostility and opposition.

External contact is an active actions that Fang Ji actively developed, including trying to establish a connection with mainland China.He continues to call for religion harmony with the world peace. In the face of international political reality, the theater's actions are easily compromised by power, but the main function of religion is not to rulks to politically right and wrong, but to pursue spiritual value and ultimate goodness.Essence

Religion is the sustenance of human spirit and soul. The fundamental spirit of all religions must be a great love for humans.Different religions should respect each other, promote positive positive and conducive to the values ​​of the community and the big self. Through active communication, help believers deepen their understanding and eliminate the breeding soil of extremism.This is the familiar concept of Singaporeans, and in order to build a harmonious and beautiful home, it must persist and work hard.