To ensure that Singapore's generations have dreamed of dreet, after all, we cannot rely on unlimited request. We must not forget that realizing dreams always rely on individuals.

"Are you looking down in the sun and working silently with sweat; are you like me, even if you are indifferent, and don't give up the life you want ..."

People often say that "people are great because of their dreams." The old singer Zhang Yusheng's inspirational song. My future is not a dream. At the beginning, we sang the voice of all ordinary people -because of dreams, we worked hard.Prime Minister Huang Xuncai's first National Day Mass Congress also said, and also said to the people, "Your dream inspires my actions", reflects the small dreams of each individual, and the national cause of driving leaders is the gap.

No national leaders can ignore the people's dreams, because the people's support and affirmation of leaders are directly based on a better future realization.It's just a tricky that when our collective dreams are getting more and more diverse, homogeneity is getting lower and lower, the requirements are getting higher and higher, and even one party can be obtained, which means how to formulate such contradictions from the other party.The biggest number of our dreams?How to scheduling the resource?

Premier Huang's first national speech did not have the choice, gains and losses, and how to balance the individual or different groups in the process of chasing the new Singapore dream.But his promises are very clear, that is, as long as individuals are willing to work hard, the government will give support so that everyone will get an equal opportunity to pursue success; and the government will make every effort to make everyone from being limited by any established box., Follow your own path to become your best society.

However, in the realization of this "investment in government resources+Personal efforts = dreamer", how can people imagine the proportion of the government and individuals in the Singapore Dream Program?Dreams are not expensive, but there are always differences in size. What dream belongs to the ruling person to realize it. What should not actually rely on the government, or at best is there just a limited intervene?The most afraid of the prosperity of the country has prompted people to upgrade the dream as a matter of course, and even the necessary, desired, and extravagant hopes, all are on the head of the government.

The first public Family demand survey report The choice of the interviewees to choose a necessity is very different from before.Now some smartphones and air -conditioners that were directly regarded as luxury goods in the past, and traveling to Southeast Asia once a year, have been regarded as one of the 40 major essentials.In the same survey, most people (61.7%) believe that these necessities should be borne by individuals. If they cannot afford it, they should be given up.However, it also shows that there are a lot of 38.3%that external forces should be assisted, and most of them point to the government.

In addition, there are three recent investigations that have also brought some room for reflection.A survey conducted by Bona Industry found that nearly 40 % of the house owners believed that IselfThere is no chance to have private houses in this life .The 2024 ideal housing questionnaire report released by the ERA industry shows that nearly 70%of the Singapore residents interviewed planned to buy new houses, and 41%want to buy private houses.It is more than half that I want to buy a higher -level house.Another survey released by the ERA industry last week highlighted this. About 73%of Chinese people wanted to buy houses from 1 million to 3 million yuan.It is conceivable that most of such price standards are private houses.

Sure enough, the investigations of these real estate companies reflect the dreams of Chinese people's material levels, not all of people's dreams, nor must they be the dreams of all people.However, the results of several investigations are quite consistent, and it also shows that human life is indispensable after all, especially the pragmatic Singaporeans.The most direct housing improvement with the improvement of living standards will inevitably be an important part of Singapore's dream.

In fact, in order to ensure that the people’s house dreams will not be reduced to dream, from pre -order groups to resale groups, and even entered the edge of private houses, they are painful.Calculate the prices of pre -order houses, launch new measures and allowances to be used to curb the higher prices of resale groups, and continue to launch local government allowances to build and implement co -pipe apartments.This reflects that the government's concern is not just a basic housing or the first house of people, and even follows the people's expectations to consider the demand for housing improvement.But how far can the government take care of this way and how far should I go?

From holding the house, holding a car, having a decent life, to the days of possessing generosity, these are the foundation of many people's lives, and also voting at any time. It is a factor that the national leaders dare not ignore.However, whether it is national leaders or ordinary people, when the life needs of this society continues to upgrade, we must think more from the national interests, and be careful to prevent unwise actions.

Everyone hopes that their future is not a dream, and it is absolutely willing to see the government's efforts to help in the scope of power, but to ensure that the Singapore -generation generation has a sustainable dream.Forgot to realize your dreams, you always rely on individuals.