Infrastructure upgrades may not be able to touch benefits, but there is always a start.Whether the pace can be faster, it must be weighed by India itself.

Are India all mud roads?Is there a lot of cows on the road?Is there a diarrhea?

Under the arrangement of the Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs last month, I interviewed New Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalol.After returning to China, my friend's question made me laugh.

More than 10 years ago, I went to India for a short stay. This time, I re -traveled, and I clearly felt the improvement of urban infrastructure.Take New Delhi's journey to the Taj Mahal as an example. In the past four or five hours of the highway, the car cargo truck was attacked on both sides of the car.

This visit is more than 220 kilometers, almost all the way, and there are several towering residential buildings and shopping malls on the roadside.Although the four lanes occasionally squeezed five or six cars side by side, at least there were clear division lines on this road.The point is that it took more than three hours throughout the process.

Of course, the official will definitely show the glorious side to foreign journalists, and it is by no means the entire Indian society.Under the Indian viaduct and the slums at the corners, and the abrupt garbage mountains on the street reminded visitors that hundreds of millions of people still live in poverty in this country.Although Indian media said that India has basically eliminated extremely poverty, the report of the World Bank last September was based on the new poverty line that raised to a daily living expense of less than $ 2.15 (about S $ 2.8) as the benchmark.%Of the population is extremely poor.46.5 % of the living expenses living under the "low poverty line" and less than $ 3.65, which are 650 million people.

Obviously, Indian poverty is still serious, but the improvement of hardware facilities cannot be denied.

With the rise of developing countries, the relative power of the United States has weakened, and increasing space appears on the international stage for India to exert its influence.India is trying to shape themselves into one of the new multi -pole worlds, and strive to become the leader of the BRICS and the global south.It also forms a four -way security dialogue mechanism with the United States, Japan, and Australia to extend the tentacles to Asia Pacific.

Through the establishment of regional cooperation organizations, India is committed to strengthening interaction with other countries and accumulating goodwill.The "module open source identity platform" aiming to help countries to improve disaster anti -disaster -resistant infrastructure alliances, the Indian Ocean regional national information integration centers that strengthen maritime information sharing, and the "module open source identity platform" that provides identity authentication technology for the development of the country has been established in the past six years.

The above -mentioned institutions are based on the needs of developing countries, as well as regional security needs, and reflect the ambitions of India's desire to become the "mentor of the world".Pacific island countries and African journalists who accompany their peers actively asked questions at the meeting, hoping to understand how these institutions could help their country.It can be seen that India has achieved some results.

It is both a large population country, a huge domestic market, but also the cultivation of global information technology talents. India definitely has the potential to become a pivotal power.But to achieve potential, India must find effective platforms.Although the BRICS countries and the south of the world have attracted much attention, members have scattered half of the earth.India's relationship with neighboring countries is tight, but it has weakened the strength of India's representative region to fight for interests.

Poverty in India also urgently needs to be resolved.Taking the Indian Economic Center Mumbai as an example, half of the local population live in slums.Although municipal organs want to rectify, the group of up to 7 million people can be moved without moving.The cost of relocation, the ability of personal burdens, and political factors are difficult to solve.

Who will serve the new bright building?More than 10 years ago in New Delhi, I wanted to ask the driver to have a meal. As a result, the other party declined that my surname was humble, and I couldn't set foot in high -end shopping malls, which made me feel stunned.There is no chance to communicate with passers -by on this trip, and it is impossible to determine whether this deep -class concept has been reduced.However, in the new cultural center of Mumbai, which claims to be open to all Chinese people, there is no simplicity person wearing.The reporter who went to visit was probably the most "casual" person in the entire building.

The cultural center of this theater, high -end shopping centers and exhibition facilities is a bleeding by the wife of India's richest man Muksh Ambani. It is gorgeous.In order to promote tolerance, the center deliberately maintains some of the low performance tickets and has free leisure facilities.Asked if the public relations really came, she immediately said "of course."After further questioning, she acknowledged that the surname was still in the inferiority, but she said: "This is not the cultural center that can be changed. As more places are more tolerant, I hope the situation will gradually improve."

Infrastructure upgrades may not be able to touch benefits, but there is always a start.Whether the pace can be faster, it must be weighed by India itself.What I can answer is that there are asphalt roads in Indian cities. There are indeed a few cows on the roadside, and I can only solve me in the hotel or conference room almost every meal.