Recently, the media has revealed that there are problems with illegal production and processing in the production area of ​​Jingyuan County in Gansu Province, which is really shocking and angry.In the era of everyone's pursuit of health and quality, there are actually bad things that manufacturers and merchants have made sodium sodium sodium sodium sulfate to "lift color increase" and "smoked" wolfberry with sulfur yellow.This can make consumers miserable, and it also brings a heavy blow to the entire wolfberry industry.

Wolfberry has always been a traditional Chinese medicinal material that has been loved by consumers. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidant substances. It can nourish the liver and eyes, nourish the kidneys, and improve immunity.But now, those wolfberry processed by bad merchants has become a poisonous wolfberry that endangers health.

Treatment of wolfberry with sodium sulfate and sulfur, although wolfberry can look more vivid and attractive, it brings huge risks to consumers' health.Sodium coke sodium is a food additive. It is no problem to use in moderation, but excessive or illegal use will endanger the human body, which may cause symptoms such as allergic reactions, dyspnea, and gastric discomfort.Sulfur is toxic substances. Eating sulfur smoked food for a long time will seriously damage the human liver, kidney and other organs, and may even cause terrible diseases such as cancer.

The wolfberry industry is one of the important pillar industries of Jingyuan County. Based on the guarantee of product quality, it should be achieved to achieve sustainable development by improving production technology and strengthening brand building.However, these illegal and illegal production and processing behaviors have caused consumers to lose trust in wolfberry in Jingyuan County, and the market sales and industrial development of wolfberry have been seriously affected.

Why are there such illegal production and processing?On the one hand, some merchants lack integrity and legal awareness, and they want to make more money with unfair means, and do not consider the long -term development of consumers' health and industry.On the other hand, the regulatory authorities are not enough.Although the state has a strict regulatory system for food production and processing, there may be problems with inadequate supervision and poor law enforcement in the actual implementation, so that bad merchants have the opportunity to take advantage of it.There is also insufficient consumer ability to identify wolfberry, and to a certain extent, indulging in bad businesses.When many consumers buy wolfberry, they only look at the appearance and price. They do not know how to identify the quality at all, and give bad merchants to create opportunities.

To prevent poison wolfberry, protect consumers' health and rights, and promote the healthy development of the wolfberry industry, a series of effective measures must be taken.

Merchants must strengthen their awareness of integrity and legal awareness, consciously abide by laws and regulations, and don't use those improper production processing methods.Only by ensuring product quality can consumers' trust and market share.Industry associations should also play a role, strengthen industry self -discipline, standardize industry behavior, and guide enterprises to follow the path of legal operation and quality.

The regulatory authorities should strengthen supervision, strictly enforce the law, and strengthen daily supervision and sampling inspection of wolfberry production and processing enterprises and merchants.For those acts that illegally illegal production and processing, they must be severely punished in accordance with the law and cannot be soft.It is also necessary to establish a sound report mechanism, encourage consumers and all walks of life to actively participate in supervision, and form an atmosphere of joint supervision of the whole society.

Consumers must also improve their ability to identify and enhance their awareness of self -protection.When buying wolfberry, choose regular channels, don't be greedy for cheap, buy wolfberry with unknown sources.Learn to identify the quality of wolfberry, such as looking at color, shape, and smell.

The media should continue to play the role of public opinion supervision and expose the acts of illegal and illegal production and processing, which has aroused widespread concern in society.At the same time, we must promote the knowledge of wolfberry and improve the consumer's ability to identify and health.

The poisonous wolfberry incident sounds the alarm bell, which cannot allow bad merchants to continue to endanger consumers' health and rights.Only when merchants, regulators, consumers, and media work together can they eliminate drug wolfberry, allow consumers to rest assured wolfberry and promote the healthy development of the wolfberry industry.

The author is a member of the Beijing China Future Research Association and a member of the Chinese Popular Science Writers Association