Should dialects be retained?From the perspective of culture, I will first agree with the dialect and Chinese Chinese.In the dialect, there are many traditional and local elements. If you want to keep the local Chinese culture, the solid dialect skills can play a positive role.

On the evening of two weeks ago, a person ate at the coffee shop next to the Yishun Metro Station. Suddenly, a clock of Guangdong's small tone of Zen courtyard suddenly came around, so the volume of the song was very large.Looking back, it turned out to be an old friend of the neighborhood on the table. When I was drinking, the music was purely helpful, and there were probably nostalgia and remembered the tone of the year.

I am not a Cantonese, but the sadness of this song and the faster and faster melody marks have been stored in my mind since I was a child.I did n’t know what to sing. When I chose a few friends in the K room, I paid attention to the lyrics before I realized that the content was an old scholar. Because the lover changed his heart, all thoughts were ashamed into the empty door, but after all, he continued to cut love.In the middle of the night, you must always "sigh and shadow and tears."

After the bells of the Zen Academy, the Guangdong songs in different ages one after another ... Strangely, the surrounding diners seem to be unsatisfactory.As for me, I didn't leave immediately after eating, but drank the cold tea and continued to brush my mobile phone, but I mainly wanted to listen to a few more long -lost classics.

Just a few days before that, where did the Singaporean dialect of Singaporean?Hongwen up and down, can't help but think about it.First, I regret that these dialects will end up with few good singers. The singer and listener and people who know it gradually decreased over time, and then naturally, I also thought of what is the problem of all the local dialects.

As Professor Guo, as a knowledgeable person, tells about the past and present life of Singapore's dialect policy for more than 40 years or even longer, and also clicked on the dilemma of increasingly shrinking the current dialect.He believes that Singapore has changed the times and has changed three prime ministers. Some policies can be re -examined and reviewed, including "dialect ban can be considered open, and the people are independently directed by the people, and their results are negative."

Should the rescue dialect, or consolidate the foundation of Chinese language?

This loosening proposition has resonated with many readers. On the one hand, I am happy, especially from emotion.However, it is also known that there are many limitations, difficulties, or even "do not do" in reality.Of course, I might be wrong, so I should be a brick to attract jade.

Dialects gradually exit, it is an indisputable fact, although some people are still pushing.Professor Guo reported in the Morning Post report that in recent years, he has begun to see thousands of and Zen Z's interest in dialects.He mainly read it. I believe it was a Sunday of the June morning.Special reports.There is a case in which a group of students from Rhaffs' Academy are worried that the dialect will disappear. Three years ago, they started to set up an interest group to learn dialects on the campus.You know, Raffles College, but the standard Red Mao School!It is also mentioned in the topic that a few years ago, some people asked for a dialect session class. As a result, some students really registered based on various reasons.Edit colleagues made an exception of a Fujian dialect title "Are there any shadows?" (Is it really fake?), To express surprise and incredible.Indeed, these "rescue dialect soldiers" are very cute, and it is time to give a great praise.But it is really rare, which is amazing, and therefore has a large report.

I remember a few middle -generation editors because of fun and highlighting the theme. I also thought about how to put in different native dialects in the words of the layout and cover indexing.GAGI-NANG's GA, I can read it, but I do n’t know how to write it. Hainan ’s bongkang is a joke, scolding, or a rough words.Cantonese "laughed" (not laughing "(not laughing), what kind of auxiliary words should be added later, and there is no confidence. Finally, it is near midnight. You have to call for help and ask the dialects outside.Before get off work, I joked with each other, saying that if a reader came, you answered it, I would not pick it up.

It can be seen, let alone children and adolescents. In the middle of the middle generation, the dialects of many people have been stretched.The students mentioned in the report are special cases in the special case and do not represent a trend.

The human brain is not a CPU, you don't have to choose between language

There are several main problems here, we can't think about it after all.First, in our society, there is vitality, or utilitarian, does it still have the value of inheritance?Secondly, if it is declined, can the efforts of a few students, several clubs, and individual people scattered in various corners be able to return to life?Finally, what can we do as an individual, what can we do, and how to be blessed?

In my life around, my contact is very intuitive and personal.In the old age, and a certain proportion of middle -aged people, this part cannot be removed, but in the new generation, dialects are rare varieties.Of course, dialects will not disappear thoroughly, but there should be no practical conditions to restore the past.

Should dialects be kept?From the perspective of culture, I will first agree with the dialect and Chinese Chinese.In the dialect, there are many traditional and local elements. If you want to keep the local Chinese culture, solid dialect skills can play a positive role.In terms of language learning, I also disagree with the mainstream CPU discussions of the past, that is, human minds are like a central processor. How many dialects can be installed, and how much Chinese and English must be sacrificed.Take off.

However, after all, social resources are limited, and we know that Chinese language has been a dialect of various natives over the years, but this northern dialect -the "mother tongue" we chose the day after tomorrow itself, but also withstand the extrusion effect of more powerful English Chinese text.The danger of being marginalized is real.Therefore, to achieve some kind of balance, do not let the society finally go to the single language, and concentrate the power to consolidate the foundation of Chinese and Chinese, or the first place.If the entire ethnic group is working hard, too much to tilt in dialects, will it eventually be honored with Chinese language, or will it lose?Frankly speaking, I have no answer, and some are a little bad.

In the past, the composition of the Chinese News Agency was mainly the six major dialect groups. It was a solid reason to go up and promoted the Chinese. Unity is a solid reason. In today's context, the reason for this mother tongue is particularly urgent.In addition, in the dialect group, in addition to the "six major", there are also from all over the world, which is more fragmented. Imagine if it is promoted, the power will be scattered and the resources will be diluted.

Who else can I tell dialects?

In the article of Professor Guo, quoting the challenges of the founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew in my life: In Singapore's bilingual book, a period of identifying dialects is already the talk of Huanghua tomorrow: "... changed from multi -dialect to speak Chinese environment. Singapore speaks Chinese in Chinese.The atmosphere can no longer be reversed, and Singapore's language environment is no longer possible to go back. If there are still people who want to keep dialects, then please, it is not far from the dialect, because the entire community has spoken Chinese, andWho can I tell dialects "

I was fortunate to participate in the editors of this book.Now relieving it, the words are still stunned, but it can no longer be said to be all right.Like "the whole community has spoken Chinese, and who can tell the dialect to who can be taught in a language, the use scene of dialects is indeed much less. I often can't use the sentence for a few days, or even a few weeks.But about "the atmosphere of Chinese language can no longer be reversed"?I don't think it's already on the board.

The launch of the Chinese movement more than 40 years ago was the will of policy makers, and then fully implemented from top to bottom; now the guardians of mother tongue can say that there is no choice but to take overSticks, facing more difficult challenges, and not enough, it is not enough, and it must also be on the use and level of improvement of Chinese.Everyone faced the difficulties, and maybe the peak was still around; if lying flat, there was only one way down the slope.

Of course, all kinds of above review the general society and encourage the people to promote dialects. It is better to promote Chinese.But as for individuals or individual families, it is no problem to be able to, especially Chinese, and be willing to learn or inherit your dialects well. It must be a good thing.In fact, it is not impossible to learn a few Chinese, and the icing on the cake. Like Mo Shilian, a 17 -year -old guy who has just won the Bronze Medal of the Olympic Games. Although the book is read at home, he can still learn five or six languages ​​and speak well.EssenceEspecially during the growth period, it has been said earlier that the absorption of language does not matter the CPU limit, and it is not zero -sum game, not to mention the Chinese dialect and Chinese language.Sumid.

Our founding and establishment of the country, many people have not received much formal education, even out of school, but those with multi -language dialects abound.Today's students, the conditions are much better, but not to speak the third language, some of them are struggling with their mother tongue.Why can't the school teach a multi -language child? This is what I have been puzzled. Perhaps the language of learning language is just like "comprehensible input" theory: "Teaching" and exams in the classroom are not necessarily the most effective.There are immersion in life, and there are opportunities to use various natural languages ​​to "learn", and this condition for Chinese and Chinese dialects is no longer the same as before.In addition to cross -generation, we can also compare horizontally. Yes, I am talking about friends from the other side of Changdi.They understand bilingual and three -character. If you count in dialects, you may be more than this number. You can switch easily when you use it, and communicate with anyone.

Will the Liang family class be the last dialect filmmaker?

People are not necessarily furious than others, but there are always regrets.One is that I always think that multi -language means multi -cultural, multi -perspective, and more life interests and dimensions, but many Singaporeans have obviously lost in this regard, and should not know.There is a saying in English: you don't know what you do n’t know what you do n’t know.In the same way, people who do not understand dialects often do not perceive what they have lost.Fortunately, the group of students in the Laiyuan will be difficult to release because they cannot communicate well with their grandparents, and then they will go on a word and determine that they will learn their dialects well.

Another example is that people communicate with people. Through dialects, there are often very different resonances, or instant connections.This is an experience I have talked about Cantonese in Hong Kong, or in Xiamen and Tainan.There is still a difference between this common rural voice and use Chinese or Mandarin to use Chinese or Mandarin.

No matter how beautiful you are.The bell of a Zen Temple can let me stop in the downtown, because of the grievances of melody and the beauty of text."Love roots love roots and hate roots, spring flowers are afraid of chanting; love silk loves and sorrows, Qiu Yue is afraid of mercy ..." It is simply a poem pen, and then numbness can easily produce a common together to understand Cantonese.Affection.

In fact, there is no need to be poetic.Like not enough money to watch the money not long ago, the plot and the characters are a bit ridiculous, the shooting skills are slightly rough, and they have been set up in marketing.But its grassroots and kind dialects over all this. In laughter and scolding, there is a kind of pleasure that encounters the old people.Probably the Liang family is our last batch of dialect filmmakers.You think, everyone uses Chinese to order miscellaneous rice, all of which are "one". Who will have the ability in the future, use dialects to shoot the movie?

Dialects are "loyal", whether it is society or personal level, it is a pity.But society should not be too tangled. The important thing is to protect the basic market of Chinese language, especially don't let children hate Chinese heart, or most of them are "half buckets of water".

As for individuals, there are a few languages, including dialects, which will add points.Mo Shilian can speak Chinese bilingual, and Indonesian (there are 60 % or 70 % overlap with Malay), German, French, and Croatian, even if the degree is different, I think it is the winner of life, no matter whether he can in the future, he canChasing the gold medal that was once missed.

If six types of Chinese are too difficult, it is also good to see the students of the "dialect" of our Laiyuan.Bilingual plus a dialect, it must be "beyond the top" and "no horse goes".

The author is the deputy editor -in -chief of United Zaobao