Last week, leaders from all countries in the Pacific region came to the Pacific region.When Tosa, when he participated in the annual Pacific Islands FORUM, the tranquil capital Nukufaifa became lively.

Every time there is a small meeting, a police car with a whistle whistle screamed passed by on the street.The small flag on the car hood indicates the identity of a foreign delegation.The flags of Chinese, Taiwan, British, and the United Nations flags are clearly visible.

Although these out -of -domain delegations only attended the meeting as a dialogue partner or observer, they were huge.Except for New Zealand and Australia, their security personnel are more than most of the 18 member states of the Pacific Island Forum.In contrast, Tonga's palace seemed to be inconspicuous.Sources said that there is only one guard guarding the king.

Diplomats praised the one -week meeting that was very exciting, but a hidden worry is that the interest of these off -territory delegations does not necessarily consistent with the wishes of the members of the member state or the public.

The Pacific Island Forum is composed of 18 member states, most of which are Pacific Island countries, and Australia and New Zealand.However, delegations from all over the world also attended the meeting, and they were eager to play a role in this increasingly significant region.

The big players in the region are no longer just Australia and the United States.As a major country in the Pacific, China is becoming a pivotal.

Nuku Aloa seems to be unable to bear the weight of the interests of all parties.Outside of a large hotel staying in a large delegation in Nukufa, there is a recruitment billboard, which says "no experience -all positions need".

In the hotel, another notice warned that because Tangjia was facing the problem of technical workers, it was unable to provide services to the public during the forum.

This properly reminds people that many Pacific countries are facing the problem of "talent outflow". Many people in these countries go to Australia and New Zealand to seek better development opportunities.

In this forum, Australia has achieved a long time ago, and announced a Pacific Police Program that costs 400 million Australian dollars (US $ 268 million; £ 204 million) to establish a police training facility to establish a police training facility in Brisbane, And establish four centers in the Pacific region.The plan will also train the police officers to deploy to the entire area when major disaster or large -scale activities occur.

As soon as the plan was announced, it was covered up by the moment when a conversation was leaked.Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese publicly described the agreement as "great" to the US Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell.In a conversation he would be photographed once, he even joked with Campbell that he would "share the cost".

This is an awkward words, but it is very clear that this police initiative is a "victory" for China's growing influence in the region -it is 1 than Australia and its allies.0.

Albanis said this in the auditorium built by the Chinese, which makes this competition meaningful.The influence of China on Tanga is obvious.There is a large area of ​​land next to the auditorium, where the Tomona Mausoleum is located, and it is now blocked. There are large brands hanging outside, saying that Wang Ling is repaired with the help of "Chinese AID".Such cases are also staged in other Pacific island countries.

But this conversation also confirms the retention of Prime Minister Vanuatu and Melanesian Spearhead Group.They believe that the police initiative may be more excluded from China, rather than paying attention to the interests of the Pacific Island country.

阿尔巴尼斯的言论并不是上周唯一的dispute.The final bulletin issued by the leader of the Pacific Island Forum on Friday afternoon reiterated an agreement in 1992, allowing Taiwan to play a role in the forum leader meeting.Subsequently, the bulletin was withdrawn, and the content of Taiwan was deleted after re -release.This led to the pressure of the forum leaders to succumb to China, although the organizer said that it was actually an administrative mistake.

Among the 18 countries in the Pacific Island Forum, only three countries have diplomatic relations with Taiwan.China is a "dialogue partner" and Taiwan is a "development partner", and the importance has dropped by one level.

All these disputes show that competition in the Pacific area is in vain.Each side wants to join the Pacific Island Forum because each party wants to share a share in the area.

The problem is that while the superpowers are competing for correlation, the Pacific island country is also fighting for them.Therefore, the real focus is to ensure that all parties participating in the forum are involved in the Pacific island country and pursue benefits for the people of the region.

A recent report of

Lowy Institute found that strategic competition sometimes forgets people's needs.

The report entitled by the Great Game in The Pacific Islands states: "Many economies are trying to meet basic development needs."

"Big powers often give priority to projects that can bring strategic income, such as telecommunications, ports and military facilities, or projects with political benefits, such as stadiums and conference centers, not those less noticeable projects."

The next day in the forum, leaders of various countries held a privileged meeting on Wawawu Island.At the same time, in Nukufa, the surrounding activities continue. One of the activities about the "Pacific Resiliation Facility", which is the first climate and anti -disaster financing fund led by the Pacific.Set in Tanga.

Ministers and diplomats of member states such as Tangjia, Tuvaru, and Australia attended the event.Everyone is very proud of the fund and hopes that it can provide solutions for climate change problems in the entire region.

So far, Australia is the largest donor country and donated 100 million Australian dollars.The United States, China and Saudi Arabia also provided donations, but the fund's total funds are still only US $ 137 million, which is far from the fund's hopes to reach 500 million US dollars by 2026 and the long -term goal of $ 1.5 billion.

"I think it is more difficult for climate change." Paulson Panapa, Minister of Labor, and Trade, said to BBC."We hope that all donors can pay attention to these two as they treat us."

"Although the Pacific island country is small, it is very powerful in many aspects. The oceans in these countries accountThe future of the world, whether it is a good or bad aspect "