The Democratic Party just presented a wonderful performance at the National Congress of Chicago.There are everything in this performance: gorgeous music performance, exciting speech, devout religious rituals, tide tears, hopeful commitments, joyful moments, inspiring patriotism, OPRAHWinfrey) and countless balloons.TV commentators admired the "performance" of Vice President Harris: her smile, body language, sound, and even clothing choices.

Whether it is a dictatorship or a democratic country, politics is always associated with some kind of performance art.But in the United States, politics and entertainment have long been distinguished from each other.Contempt for politicians and believe that most Americans are the mean American reporter H.L. Mencken, a thin American reporter, is a keen party observer observer.He wrote in 1927: "In my opinion, the United States is an unparalleled performance on the earth."

But why, why, candidates must make such a family tenderness?What are the relationship between embracing and kiss on the stage?In order to win voters, is it really necessary to show respect for religion?It seems that in the United States.

In most democratic countries, people vote for the interests of political parties and their representatives.The charm can indeed play a certain role, even if most politicians like Japan lack this quality of this quality.But in general, politicians in Asia and Europe are not like Americans, and they are eager or willing to show the public as a caring person.It is traditionally hoped that from the king and the queen, not from the election of politicians to get this kind of thing.

Since George III ("George George" in the 18th century), the British monarch has liked to show people with a pure and decent family image.Queen Elizabeth II allows Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) to record her family life, from the barbecue in the garden to a tea party with children.She feels that if she wants to keep the people, she must be grounded.

In 1776, Americans got rid of the rule of the British monarch (farmer George was the last king of their).In the following years, the White House learned the grand ceremony of many royal courts, and the degree of luxury far exceeded other democratic countries -perhaps except that the Republic of France, which was still wearing a royal family.

If you want to board the American President's throne with quasi -monarchy, a candidate, like a member of the British royal family, must be able to play ordinary men and women, that is, you can drink something like you and I can drink together in the front porch.Beer people.Of course, those who are eager to become the president are not really like us, but they must pretend to be like us.

However, the emotional expression at the American political party conference: hugging, kissing, and revealing of affection are also obvious at other ceremonies in the United States.For example, foreign Academy Awards winners tend to maintain a short award -winning speech; while American stars are different, they must tearful thanks to each member of the elementary school teacher to every pet dog, and express their deep love for humans.

Vowislation is an emotion that should not have. It is a public performance of love, sadness, hope, and joy, not real emotions, and the latter is usually retained in private space.Politics, like the Hollywood film industry, is actually a cruel competitive industry. In order to achieve success, personal emotions (your own and others) must often be ignored or suppressed.

Those needs born because of ambitions are often too intense, and it is easy to hurt a spouse and child they love.However, feelings must always be vent, and they can always be expressed in some way.Therefore, there was an exaggerated performance on the public stage, whether at the Hollywood or the political party conference.

At the National Congress of the Democratic Party, there are many topics about Americans' "watching each other", "caring for neighbors" and "helping the poor and marginal groups".Many Americans may be in line with these descriptions.But compared with most other democratic countries, the United States is a more cruel society in the United States, and the social security network is more fragile.If you want to succeed, you must have the ability to sell.This is especially important for men and women who must sell themselves to the public, just like film actors or politicians.They are performers.

Performance, according to the definition, is to create something unreal.However, the public requires actors and politicians to show their true side.This is why we are eager to hear gossip about their private life, and the more vulgar, the better.Or change more kindly, this is why we want to see how much politicians love her husband or his wife.We hope they can be "true".

Therefore, what we see at the political party conference and the Oscar awards ceremony, television interviews and magazine characters are some performances about authenticity.If performers are superb (like in Chicago), this can indeed become the greatest performance in the world.

Author Ian Buruma is a writer, and the new book is Spertha: Sipinoza: Freeza: Freedom ’s Messiah)

English original title: The Greatest Show on Earth

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