The Chief of Staff of Taiwan pointed out on Wednesday that in recent years, the threats of mainland China may be "shifted from performance", so the focus of the Hanguang exercise in July this year is that the Taiwan army must be able to quickly convert from the gray area to preparation and quickly from from the gray area to prepare for war and quickly from from the gray area.Usually the state is converted into a state of war, and the possible increase in operations and its combat power for the PLA's attacking Taiwan to adjust the combat thinking.

Gu Lixiong, Taiwan National Defense Minister, and Meijiashu on Wednesday (June 26) to the Legislative Yuan Foreign and National Defense Commission to report the "Hanguang 40 exercise planning situation" and prepare for inquiries.When Mei Jiashu replied to the inquiry of Xu Qiaoxin, a legislator of the Kuomintang Kuomintang, he made the above statement.

This is the second time that the chief of staff of Taiwan went to the Legislative Yuan for inquiry.Twenty -five years ago, Tang Fei, then the chief of staff, went to the general uniform in the first level to the Legislative Yuan, while Meijiashu was wearing a suit.Mei Jiashu explained that because after the organization was adjusted, they were also an organization within the Ministry of National Defense, and the space -time environment was different.

Li Ximing, the former chief of staff, believes that this move may affect prestige and inappropriate.However, Gu Lixiong interviewed before the meeting that if the chief of staff of the Judge Di Zi No. 461 was invited to the Legislative Yuan, the principle had the obligation to attend inquiries, but he did not think it would form a normal state.

Mei Jiashu believes that if you attend the Legislative Yuan, you can let the public understand and support the military more. He personally thinks that it should be done.

The No. 40 Hankuang 40 will begin on July 22.Heaven's exercise .The Kuomintang legislator Huang Ren asked that there were many changes in Hanguang this time, but why did the exercise only have real soldiers on the outer island, but this island is a real soldier?

Mei Jiashu explained that this exercise is to let the joint soldiers, that is, tactical level units, to make judgments and actions according to the desperation and opportunities, including the timing point and place are mobility methods. It may be at any time period. It may be at any time period., Do not want to cause "security affairs".

He said that the island's plan is to be familiar with the combat environment and joint combat plans, because this year's combat plan has made a lot of adjustments. I hope that this year's training goals can make the Taiwan army familiar with the combat plan.

He emphasized that the annual training of the Taiwan Army is divided into different levels, and the training related to real bombs has not been abandoned, including the Pingtung joint training base with real bullet firing, the annual accurate missile firing, and the adjustment to the combination of the tactical location, including the Navy, including the Navy, including the Navy, including the Navy, including the NavyWith the Air Force, it is constantly improving.

The first exercise of the Hanguang exercise "decentralization" and the regular battle rules (ROE) should be shortened to the decision -making procedure and strive for the initiative of the battlefield.

Meijiashu pointed out that "decentralization" is a very important training goal this year. There are five aspects, including commanders at all levels to clearly tasks, give the commanders to fully authorize, have clear responsibilities, and detailed combat rules for combat rules., And have independent combat capabilities.All plans are designed to achieve the training of Hanguang exercise.

He was answering the DPP legislator Wang Dingyu's inquiry that "decentralization" focused on fast, and the combat unit could take action according to the enemy's judgment and authorization.The smallest battle unit will go to special combat groups, or even single soldiers, and can take military operations under what circumstances will be regulated.

Mei Jiashu said: "But it still has a centralized command, this unchanged, but there will be decentralized actions."