When the "Courtyard's High Wall" becomes a "Copper Corridor Copper Wall and Iron Wall", the once lively civil exchange disappeared. In the end, I am afraid that both defeats and no winners.

The US election entered the sprint stage, and the Democratic Vice President Candidate Waltz changed from obscurity overnight to a household name.The "white father" in the central and western region has a 35 -year fate of China, but now this has become a political target.

In 1989, while other foreign teachers fled China, 25 -year -old Waltz was biased towards Hushan Xing and taught a year in Guangdong.This year's feelings brought him to him, not only witnessing the scars of Chinese society, but also feeling the goodwill of teachers and students around him.After returning to the United States for more than ten years, he organizes American students to travel to China to study and improve their understanding every summer.

The communication between ordinary people at the ordinary person has been considered a good story in China and the United States, and politicians have often been bonus to become "Zhihua School".But now, no matter how big the two parties in the United States are, "there is no strongest tough, only tough" is high.The "Chinese experience" became the original sin, and the Republican opponent even immediately asked the Federal Investigation Agency to investigate to see if Waltz became the "goal of Beijing influence operation".

Remember that in 2017, when I visited the International Research Center of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Professor China Tong said that there was an disturbing trend in the American academic community: Chinese researchers will be labeled, either an eagle school from a hawk faction."Dragon Slaughter" is either a pigeon "panda hug", which is almost allowed to be allowed.

At that time, I often listened to the lecture on cutting -edge technology at the MIT Institute of Technology, and was impressed by Professor Chen Gang, an academician and director of the Department of Mechanical Engineering.In a foreign country, he heard the English of Hubei accent, and he was kind to the outstanding achievements and honor of Chinese scientists.

After that, I left the United States and returned to Asia.In the past few years, the United States and China have upgraded from trade disputes to geopolitics confrontation.Regardless of the official folk, the United States has become more and more decoupled from China.A new Cold War and even the fire that might wipe the fire to get angry seems to be brewing.

In 2019, my professor and friends in MIT and more than a hundred Chinese issues in the United States issued a public letter entitled that China is not an enemy.There is no so -called tough consensus.

The situation can still turn down sharply.In early 2021, Professor Chen Gang was arrested by the FBI under the "China Action Plan".He and many Chinese scholars' encounters have caused "racial qualitative" controversy.The plan was finally suspended by the US Department of Justice in early 2022, but Sino -US scientific research cooperation has suffered a disaster.

MIT Technology Review reported that only 25%of the "China Action Plan" cases were convicted, which was in sharp contrast to 99%of criminal cases, and 88%of them were accused of Chinese.The cold cicada effect was immediate. Investigation of 1,304 Chinese faculty who worked in American universities in 2023, the National Academy of Sciences of the National Sciences showed that 72%felt unsafe and 60%considered leaving.

It is not only a professor and scholar who is affected. The United States, a global talent highland, is no longer so popular with Chinese students.In the past 20 years, China has been the largest source of American students.However, in the past two years, the number of people has fallen for the first time. Once opened his arms, he welcomed international students' science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) to become a sensitive field. Some students have encountered visas revoking or even repatriation.

On the other side, the number of people studying in China has always been much less, although there have been politicians trying to change.Obama launched a plan in 2010, hoping to send 100,000 students to China within five years, known as the "next generation of Chinese issues."Now, let alone studying abroad, even the short -term summer vacation of Waltz once organized is almost extinct.

Professor Rongxiu, the University of Princeton University, and 80 -year -old Lin Peirui told me that in the early 1990s, he was proficient in Chinese in Chinese and took American children to learn Chinese in China.At that time, one or two hundred people applied for each year.After a few years after the epidemic, it finally recovered this year, but lacks people.At the political level, he believes that the increase in economic and trade barriers between the two countries, the slowdown in China's economy, and no longer welcome foreign investment.

The effect of polarization is comprehensive.Since the MIT campus, I have been used to listening to the English podcast of Sinica. They have tried objectively and clumsyly in the non -black and white environment, and reported that China was reported by "neither fear nor flattering".In 2023, its parent company's "China Project" media announced the suspension of office because it was a neutral positioning -the two sides of the sponsors were not pleased, so they offended both sides.Some fans lamented, "instead marked anti -China or only praised China, it was moisturizing."

When the "small wall of the small courtyard" becomes a "copper wall and iron wall of the courtyard", the once lively folk exchanges disappeared. In the end, I am afraid that both defeats are injured and there is no winner.Waltz once confessed that it was not the "Dragon Slaughter" nor the "panda hug", but hoped that while criticizing China, it was possible to explore cooperation while criticizing China.Even Lin Peirui, who is regarded as the "Dragon Turkey Eagle", does not want the two countries to isolate each other and force the world to choose the team."Waltz is in contact with the surface of the surface of Tai Chi and eating with chopsticks," Lin Peiri said to me with a smile, "but the surface contact is better than no contact. The more you come and goWell!