The Kaida Grand Avenue in front of the Taiwan Government has always been the most sought -after situation on the eve of the election.On Wednesday (December 13), the young people's party, mainly on the wild party.

The Democratic Progressive Party, which is ruling, includes the right of Kaidao Road from January 9th to 11th next year; the Kuomintang applied for the right of road before the Taipei Municipal Government.

TVBS announced on Wednesday that the DPP "Lai Xiao Biao" was 32%of the 32%of the Kuomintang "Hou Kang Bai" and 22%of the people's party "Ke Ying Bi". The polls were announced on the same day.It also led 31.2%of "Hou Kang" 31.2%and 16.8%of "Ke Ying Bai".

The two poll trees have narrowed the gap between "Lai Xiao" and "Hou Kang Bai", and "Ke Ying Bai" was thrown back.However, the poll of Mirror News shows that "Lai Xiao Biao" is far ahead of 23.7%of the 25.2%of "Hou Kang Bao" and 23.7%of "Ke Ying Biao".

Zhu Lilun, Chairman of the Kuomintang, said that according to the latest internal ginseng polls on Wednesday, "Hou Kang Bai" and "Lai Xiao Biao" have been cross -giving, leading 0.8 percentage points."Ke Ying Bai" ranks second.Experts believe that the internal reference polls that have not announced the relevant data are just listened.

Xiao Meiqin, Vice President of the Democratic Progressive Party, was invited to give a speech at the Politics University on Tuesday (December 12) in the evening.List as stubborn Taiwan independence, What is its cross-strait policy? Xiao Meiqin emphasized that although "maintaining the status quo" is not the most satisfactory state of everyone, it has become the largest number of international equivalent.

Zhu Fenglian, a spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council of China on Wednesday, said on Wednesday that the status quo on both sides of the strait is that there is only one China in the world. The mainland and Taiwan belong to the same China.The "Taiwan independence" split and destroy this status quo.

Lai Qingde's campaign slogan is "the right person, take the right way"; Zhu Fenglian said in disapproval, the so -called "right person" refers to "Taiwan independence workers", "right road" refers to "The road of Taiwan independence.However, everyone is very clear that "Taiwan independence workers" are "troublemakers", "peace destroyers", "war manufacturers", and the road of "Taiwan independence" is evil road and a must.Tranquility and well -being, resolutely oppose Taiwan independence.

At the same time, Taiwan promulgated the implementation of the 12 -year education curriculum outline (referred to as the 108th syllabus) in 2019 to delete the classic ancient texts such as Gu Yanwu Lian shame, and the student's learning process file was ironically "gold -plated competition", which has caused widespread discussion in the past few days.

Guizhi, the first women's senior middle school (North Yiyi), Taipei City, is criticized by Guizhi District, and the 108th syllabus is the "shameless curriculum".The video of this speaker was spreading on the mainland, and mainland netizens affirmed that she had a cultural backbone.However, the Green Camp's army was painful, and the legislator You Xizhen claimed that the shame was a political product of the monarch.

Lai Qingde attended the Celebrity Celebration of Beiyi on Tuesday and was asked by the media to ask the 108 outline and did not respond.Qu Guizhi interviewed and pointed out, "Does democratic politics need to be shame? If democratic politics is an unwahering and shameless system, why do we need it?"

Xiao Meiqin was also asked by students as "de -China" by students at Zhengda University.Xiao Meiqin said that the strongest power of "de -China" in the past few decades is actually the CCP.

Zhu Fenglian was sure that Guizhi said in the heart of many teachers, parents, experts and scholars in the island, and made a sound of justice.She said that the Democratic Progressive Party officially promoted "de -China" on the island with everything, trying to cut off the cross -strait cultural connection, blinding the people of Taiwan, causing confusion of historical memory of young generations of Taiwan and distorting national identity, and endless harm.