Mainland China Judicial and National Security Organs jointly issued the opinions on punishing the stubborn molecules of "Taiwan independence" in accordance with the law and the state of stubbornly split the country and instigated the criminal of the state (hereinafter referred to as the opinions).death penalty.For a while, the "Taiwan independence" stubborn elements may be sentenced to the title of many media.

/A>, detailed regulations on the determination of "Taiwan independence", litigation procedures, and sentencing guidance.Mainland Official Media Xinhua News Agency believes that when the situation of the Taiwan Strait is tense and turbulent, this strategic measure to combat the division of "Taiwan independence" and promote the unified national process of the country has further enriched the anti -"Taiwan independence" and anti -interference legal toolbox, which responded to the largest response to the largestThe demands and expectations of most people on both sides of the strait show a firm stance of defending national sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity.

However, the opinions obviously do not meet the demands and expectations of Taiwan.Taiwan officials responded that Beijing had no judicial jurisdiction over Taiwan, and the CCP's laws and norms were unrestrained to Taiwan. Beijing's approach would only provoke the opposition between the people between the two sides of the strait.Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun also publicly stated that the mainland has no judicial jurisdiction over Taiwan.Public opinion in Taiwan believes that the mainland is in vain, and even the "color is internal", which will only increase the dislike of the Taiwanese to the mainland.

Although The mainstream public opinion on the mainland emphasizes the opinions that show the fight against "Taiwan independence" in accordance with the law.Determine , but there are also voices that under the reality of cross -strait division, the opinions may only stay on paper, and the actual deterrent effect on "Taiwan independence" is limited.

So why should the mainland introduce opinions at this time?Does the opinion mean that the mainland's long -term Taiwan policy has changed significantly?

Although the introduction of opinions made people feel relatively sudden, in fact, according to the notice issued by the Supreme People's Court of the mainland, the Supreme People's Procuratorate and other departments, the opinions were issued to various provincial judicial organs as early as May 26.In other words, this opinion was as early as Lai Qingde will be president on May 20th.A> The formulation has been completed before, waiting for Lai Qingde's inauguration.After Lai Qingde delivered a speech on "the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China, they did not belong to each other", the mainland confirmed that Lai Qingde was a "Taiwan independence" stubborn element, so he issued opinions and officially released it on June 21.

For a long time, the mainland has paid more attention to interest guidance and policy regulation.However, it turns out that the effect of "Taiwan independence" and striving for peace and unity alone is very limited based on the economic discounts of Taiwan.Not only the DPP, which advocates the "Taiwan independence", has entered a long -term governance, but even the Kuomintang has shaken the "1992 Consensus". There are fewer and fewer Taiwanese people who think that they are "Chinese".Therefore, the traditional Taiwan -benefit Taiwan policy is increasingly questioned internally, and the voice of Wu Tong has gradually risen, and the mainland adjustment is imperative to the Taiwan policy.

In recent years, the Communist Party of China has formulated and gradually improved "the overall strategy of solving the problem of Taiwan in the new era party." Its main line is anti -"Taiwan independence", anti -intervention, and promoting unity, and "firmly grasp the dominance and initiative of cross -strait relations.right".Under the guidance of the "overall strategy", the measures of anti -"Taiwan independence" in the mainland have continued to increase, from breaking through the central line of the Strait to the fence military exercise, Patrol Law Enforcement on Outer Islands controlled by Taiwan , and then partial tariff reduction in the Strait Cross-Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA).At the same time, the mainland also sanctioned the United States military sales enterprises and Taiwan politicians to counter external forces to intervene in the situation of the Taiwan Strait.

At the same time in military, diplomacy, and economy, the mainland naturally thought that the mainland also thought of the use of legal means to fight against Taiwan.Although the mainland launched the anti -split national law as early as 2005, this law is only in principle regulations and lacks operability.The introduction of the opinion is to make up for the legal defects of anti -"Taiwan independence" and allow the anti -split national law to land.

Opinions clarify the specific guilty and constituent elements of the "Taiwan independence" behavior, declare the punishment of "legal Taiwan independence", "leaning for independence", and "martial arts independence" in accordance with the law.In the fields of news media and other fields, the implementation of "gradual Taiwan independence" and acting for patriotic unity, and also stipulated the principles of life accountability and absence of trials in accordance with the law.

Among them, the "Taiwan independence" behavior can be sentenced to a maximum of death. This is not only more severe than the highest sentence of the life imprisonment of the Hong Kong National Security Law, but also shows that once the mainland is unified in Taiwan, at least Taiwan must apply the law on the "Taiwan independence" issue.That is, "one country, one system".

Tian Feilong, deputy dean of the School of Law School of the Central University for Nationalities, believes that the highest sentence of the maximum sentence can be sentenced to the death penalty, which reflects the danger judgment of the judicial interpretation document for "Taiwan independence".The molecules play a deterrent effect, and at the same time make it a jealousy.The opinion is the milestone of the system of the mainland's anti -"Taiwan independence". It is the positive expression of the mainland's pursuit of home unification and the use of the rule of law to control the dominance of cross -strait relations and initiative.After the opinions are introduced, there will be relevant cases and judicial trials. "Taiwan independence" elements will face severe suppression of political future and legal responsibility, and the complete and unified process of both sides of the strait will accelerate.

In order to reduce the concerns of the people of Taiwan, Chen Binhua, a spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, stressed that the opinions from the title to the text clearly indicate that criminal punishment measures are only aimed at very few "independence" and "independence" activities."Stubborn molecules, as well as the split country they implemented and inciting the crime of splitting the country, did not involve the majority of Taiwan compatriots.

However, from the current situation on both sides of the strait, the implementation of the opinions on the mainland is very difficult. Especially for the "Taiwan independence" activity on the island of Taiwan, it is not only difficult to achieve the effect of suppression, but it may also provoke the opposition between the two sides of the strait.Cut off the cross -strait economic and cultural connections to provide new excuses.

But the opinion indicates that the mainland's policy on Taiwan is turning. It is expected that the mainland will fight more about "Taiwan independence" with their strength in the future, curb external forces to interfere with the Taiwan Strait, and resume cross -strait relations.