The image has always been positive and is known as the "Zero -negative Goddess" actor Lin Yichen. Recently, she has been caught in a cross -strait unipretecity because of her speech in mainland Chinese variety shows.

In the show broadcast on August 27, when Lin Yichen learned that another guest came from Chengdu, he immediately raised his hand and excitedly stated that "I am from Chengdu", and also revealed that Grandpa was from Chengdu.Lin Yichen also said on the show that she couldn't speak Sichuan dialect, but she used to listen to Grandpa said before, so she was "very kind to the village."

I do n’t know, this remark is quite harsh for many Taiwanese netizens: some people question whether Lin Yichen has become the object of Beijing ’s foreign propaganda cooperation; some people have criticized that Lin Yichen sold his soul in order to expand the business territory of the mainland.

When Lin Yichen attended the South Korean awards ceremony in 2015, he was once criticized by many mainland netizens because of his "Taiwanese artist" identity as a "Taiwanese artist" identity because of the big show.

But at this time, because of the phrase "I am from Chengdu", Lin Yichen got many mainland Internet civilians, but was referred to by Qianfu on the Taiwan network.In this regard, Lin Yichen publicly responded publicly when attending the event on September 6: "Chengdu, Taipei, Yilan are my grandparents, grandparents, and my own growth. Without these places and these people, there are no me in the present.Everyone understands. "Lin Yichen, 4 years old, was born in Yilan, eastern Taiwan, and later studied in Taipei.In 2002, she debuted with starring idol drama, and then became popular on both sides of the strait with many hot dramas.

This storm has also caused the Taiwan Blue -green camp to argue.Former Chinese Kuomintang legislator Cai Zhengyuan supported Lin Yichen on Facebook, and refuted the accusations of Lin Yichen with a tough attitude: "This is not an identity, this is a cult. This kind of Taiwan independence cult is only allowed to claim to be Taiwanese."

Shen Boyang, a DPP legislator who is good at cognitive operations, believes that Lin Yichen claims that Chengdu people are definitely not blurting out, but more like another wave of cognitive operations in the mainland.

Earlier, another pro -green net red "Potter King" in Taiwan posted on Facebook on June 12 that the mainland will entertain 10 groups of Taiwan Internet celebrities for free to travel to the mainland to make films, and it is said that behind this is the mainland.Come to the united front of Taiwan Cultural Culture. "

The allegations of King Potter immediately ignited the spark of Taiwan's public opinion field, and they launched a drooling battle around whether the Taiwan influencers were involved in the "cultural united front" of Beijing.Some people criticize that Potter is not targeted and has no direct evidence.However, many netizens agreed with his posts and supported "getting out of the mainland government."

Relevant issues have recently been burned on social media in Taiwan.In addition to Lin Yichen's storm, it is also related to the well-known online celebrities traveling to the mainland in Taiwan-Taiwan Internet celebrities with up to one million fans, "What are you going to do this week" and "The Dodo Men-Dudu"member.The former has publicly denied the collection of money to travel to the mainland.

Former leaders in Taiwan once said that as long as she was president, no one had to apologize for their identity.The current President Lai Qingde also said that Taiwanese cultural workers were forced to make politics in the mainland. What is the same thing is the one, but more importantly, their inner thoughts, "we should give understanding."

However, from the above incident, it was found that Taiwanese society, especially young ethnic groups, do not think so.Taiwan media "Wind Media" commented on this and described that as long as it is not a loyal Taiwanese school, it may face attacks and siege from all directions.The comments also pointed out that the end result is that the entire society is soldiers and trees.

As the tension between the two sides of the strait continues to be upgraded, the incident similar to the red hat is destined to be more frequent and easier to operate. It is definitely not good for those who only want to travel to the mainland or Lin Yichen, but it is not allowed toDon't face it.