The voting of these Chinese elections depends on the candidates' remarks and gestures of China, and it does not necessarily understand the real policies and practical actions. The probability is that it is a bit of patriotism and the order is quite rough.They may not have seen that for more than 10 years, the United States and the opposition to China have actually been highly consistent.

The unprecedented and dramatic 2024 US presidential election finally entered the sprint stage.After Biden's withdrawal, Harris in his 20s quickly won the comprehensive support of the party. He swept the weak image of her vice president in the past three years.Erz is the vice presidential candidate.For more than a month, the victory of the Democratic Party, which was originally weak, increased greatly.Now, almost all kinds of public opinion surveys show Harris leading Trump; in several main so -called swing states, the Democratic Party has also begun to occupy the upper hand.If there are no more emergencies and major accidents, it seems that American voters will create another history: the United States will usher in the first female president, the first Asian / African female president in history, and the first Asian presidentEssence

Of course, there are still 60 days in the election. Although Harris has a significant lead in the national general polls, it is not large in the leading states, and it is often only within the scope of the error.In view of the ups and downs of the election situation in the past 60 days, both parties are wisely claiming that the election situation is nervous and dare not relax.Eight years ago Hillary led the total number of votes, but lost the story of the electoral ticket, which made both parties remember.So Trump and Harris continued to fight, and the soil would fight.Both of them seemed to be explaining in person that the president of the president was really a physical work: Harris rushed to the hot summer, restarted the campaign tactics of Clinton more than 30 years ago, and walked to the village in Georgia, a swing state;Create potential.One of the two sides is nearly 60 years and one is 78 years old. For so hard work, by this, the voters will not vote, it is a bit unhappy.

The professional campaign team of the two sides also uses the technique of digging walls this year. The people who pull each other will create newcomers for themselves to attack their opponents.At the National Congress of the Democratic Party, the former Republican members' attack on Trump was sharp and pointed; many Republican elders also publicly called for Harris.The former Democratic Parliament of Democratic Parliament who went to Trump, criticizing Harris is also relentless; the Democratic party's family Kennedy family also produced a "rebel party" Robert, and it became the "honorary member" of the Trump core parties strive to raise their gestures and hit the "national first and political parties second". It is naturally a good thing.However, the fierce melee of the front is also evident.

Chinese people, especially Chinese, who can vote legally, are naturally concerned about the dispute between the donkey elephant; it is estimated that this year's donations, elections, and voting will be more than ever.Historically, Chinese American and Asian, like African, Latin -like and other ethnic minorities, mostly support Democratic candidates, and this year seems to be no exception.However, there are many so -called "Sichuan Fan" that resolutely support Trump (Trump) in the Chinese. There are many friends of my friends.

Chinese Sichuan Fan and anti -Sichuan form a cultural war

Although the data shows that Sichuan Fan may be a minority of Chinese, the sound and energy are very strong; over the past few years, in the United States (especially simplified characters) media and self -media, Sichuan Fan's voice has almost dominated.The members are from all over the world, covering many industries and social classes, and there are many elite successful people.Among them, the billionaires who were trapped in the American prison because of financial fraud, some of the organizations and exiles banned in China, and many Chinese who have no Chinese, scholars and professors, and even Chinese who have no citizenship.Some of them are based on the recognition of Trump's concept; some are for the sake of the anti -Democratic Party; some seem to be the preparation of authoritarian worship in the politics of the home country into the United States election politics;Even violent harassing the anti -Sichuan Chinese.The remarks of anti -Sichuan people who scolded Sichuan Fan are also common; it seems that there is no case of violent harassment.

The differences and opposition between Sichuan Fan and anti -Sichuan seem to be the first "cultural war" between Chinese and the first "cultural war" between Chinese politics.I do n’t have any talents. Here I said a few words and talked about it.

Chinese Sichuan Fan, which seems to be contrary to its traditional ethnic and political tendencies, actually reflects the increasing diverse and more active political participation of Chinese personal interests.From the left to the right, you can see the shadow of the Chinese now.Each of the two parties has Chinese fighters, indicating that the political status, strength and enthusiasm of the Chinese are rising.Although since World War II, the Democratic Party's social and ethnic policies may be more conducive to Chinese people who are ethnic and immigrants; but many American Chinese have deeply integrated into the so -called mainstream society, which is different from ethnic minorities.And immigration's own interests, ownership and demands.This is actually normal and natural.

It is very interesting that in the Chinese, the fierce match between Sichuan Fan and anti -Sichuan, which seem to have nothing to do with China, especially the high enthusiasm of Sichuan Fan.With the "nostalgia" complex.Many of the most important and most important causes of Sichuan fans. It is said that because Trump dares to work hard to the Chinese government's tough and powerful, it will promote the changes in China in their vision.It is not helpful for China's political reform.Whether this determination is true, whether the opposite is the opposite, requires more discussions, and here is not a table.

Voicing the attitude of self -considers candidates for a foreign country belongs to the typical "Single Issue" voters in the election research;The result of voting is often that you can't live with yourself, which is quite "weird".For example, female voters support politicians who oppose women's rights and interests; Red State (Republican State) who rely on a large number of benefits (Republican Prefecture), holding welfare bowls, but opposing the so -called federal government;Welfare projects transport huge wealth, but support the federal government.

The voting of these Chinese elections depends on the candidates' remarks and gestures of China, and they do not necessarily understand the real policies and actual actions. The probability is that it is a bit of patriotism and the order is quite rough.Chinese friends who consider this may not have seen the past 10 years that the two parties in the United States and the opposition to the United States have actually been highly consistent, and the differences are just some specific tactics, terms and gestures.

Highly opposite and even obviously polarized U.S. Congress has continuously passed various laws in China in recent years; Trump and Biden's two government policies have no difference in China.To say that the posture is tough, Biden has been the only US president who has never visited Beijing for more than 40 years.

Many Chinese people are based on the considerations and feelings of their own interests and feelings. They are tired of the so -called wakers' political correct words and deeds. They are worried that the so -called affirmative policy (AFFIRMATIVE ACTION) during the admission of elite universities, worrying about border out of control and illegal immigration surge.Enter, don't want to pay too many harsh donations, etc.However, these "evil politics" is actually not the patent of which party.As far as the Chinese children who are relatively good for the "volume" can enter the school, 7%of Asians who account for 7%of the total population are in universities, and they have an excess or even the largest student ratio (47%of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology this year is Asian).Whether this situation is wise and whether it is really conducive to the long -term interests of the United States and Asians may need to be discussed further.In the final analysis, how much competitiveness is when admission of prestigious universities, who is with the president, in fact, the relationship is very small.As for the differences and changes of the two parties in the issues of taxation, police, government deficit, and national debt, etc., they are actually far more than facts.The candidates' various money and money are promising, so I don't have to take it too seriously; after all, it is Congress rather than the White House, which controls everyone’s public money.Bag.

Some friends believe that the Republican Party's power is to engage in capitalism and make the hardworking people get rich; some friends think that the Democratic Party govern is to do socialism and turn the United States to China.In fact, they are either too worried, take it for granted, or go to the party's political propaganda.Of course, the inexplicable discrimination and exclusion of African, Indian and women in Chinese, India, and women are not even more dross on the table.

Sichuan powder and anti -Sichuan, Chinese Americans are actively participating in a new chapter in writing American politics, which is exciting; most importantly, everyone remembers that they must vote at that time.Be the leader for yourself.

The author is a professor at the School of International Affairs of Georgia Institute of Technology in the United States