Three girls of Southport were killed, which triggered the worst ethnic riots in the United Kingdom for more than 10 years, which greatly shaken the social foundation.After investigation, the incident originated from the misunderstanding of social media, and then spread quickly in the social group.Social influential online public people quickly promoted a large -scale protest and party, so the entire incident was quickly upgraded like a fire.Foreign immigrants and Muslims have become the targets of mobs.After the incident, the British government quickly took measures to arrest hundreds of riot participants, but further tearing communities needed long -term and more effective measures to meet.

Although the cause of the riots this time is the misunderstanding of the Internet, but the dissatisfaction that has been piled up due to immigration problems has a long history.European immigration is far more serious than other regions, including the upcoming election.As early as 1968, Powell, a member of the British Conservative Parliament, published the famous (or infamous) "Rivers of Blood Speech), which was famous (or infamous), vigorously criticized the UK's immigration policy at the time, and predicted that" I have the prospects, I have a prospect, I have.Pre -feeling: Like the Romans, I seem to see the "Boom Blood of the Taibo River".Powell predicts that unscrupulous immigrants will completely change British society, but he was expelled from the party due to the anger of the public.

But the refugee wave caused by the Spring of Arabia in 2010 that it really worsen the immigration problem.Millions of immigrants each year have already caused the European governments and the public to be overwhelmed, let alone a comprehensive impact on society and culture.It can be said that Europe is really a bit like Powell, under the impact of a wave of large -scale immigrants, the Roman Empire.

Many people in Europe and the United States have a rebound in the immigration policy. If they want to meet the correct politics, they can simply attribute it to the incitement of "extreme right wing".Although based on the principle of humanitarianism, it is common for refugees to help the refugees.However, the problems caused by immigrants from European countries are also worthwhile as Singapore, a immigrant society.

British refugee receiving, first of all, lacks necessary screening and subsequent integration.Many people will find that the proportion of adult men accepted by many countries has a high ratio of adult men, which is directly contrary to the "refugee" that should be a general perception of old and weak women and children.The consensus between laws and modern society in various countries should be given priority to protect women and children.However, in the refugee wave that swept Europe, men's young and middle -aged refugees have virtue of their physical and resources, especially the natural discrimination of women in the source country society, and are easier to enjoy the qualifications of "acting as refugees".

These young people "refugees" are the biggest problem that most of the thoughts are already set, and they will not accept systematic democratic education that can accept systems like children, let alone women who are in a disadvantage.Social system and thought reflect.As the beneficiary of traditional patriarchal and religious society, the "refugees" of young adults are extremely low will to integrate into the mainstream democracy and free society in Europe.Many of them even have strong hostility and hatred for modern civilized society.The huge difference between this cultural background and the European society has challenged them to challenge them into democratic society and accepting modern social values ​​in Europe and the United States.

Due to difficulties in the integration of young and middle -aged refugees, the huge differences between the secular and religious education they received, and greatly reduced their willingness and ability to employment in Europe, and the rise in unemployment rate and crime rate is unavoidable.The difficulty of integration of immigration is far more than the estimates of many "political correcters".Although the suspect who killed the three children was not the refugee itself, his parents were indeed a refugee from Rwanda.It can be seen that even the criminal suspects who have been born in the UK and have lived for 17 years have still existed in the difficulty of integrating into the subject society.

Refugees are unwilling and difficult to integrate into the mainstream society, and further increase the pressure of immigrants to accept public services, which has a huge burden on the welfare system of the country.According to media reports in August 2015, the British refugee shelters were saturated at that time, and they could only collect hotels and provide each refugee for 35 pounds per week (about S $ 60) pocket money.According to reports two months later, government documents show that every time Britain receives a Syrian refugee, it requires a maximum of 23,420 pounds per year.According to the British Foreign Affairs, Federal and Development Office, Britain's expenses used in the United Kingdom in 2023 were £ 4.3 billion.This is unbearable to the British people with a downturn in the economy.

There have been many ethnic riots in Singapore history. This incident reminds us again that in addition to always paying attention to the movement of social media, whether it is accepting immigration or accepting refugees itself is not the crux of the disease. The important thing is that the important thing is, Accepting the country must have the right to choose (women and children are prioritized, are beneficial to the local community, etc.), and immigrants must also have the willingness to integrate and strongly integrate.The existing social balance, intensifying social contradictions, will also shake the foundation of a country.At present, the decision -making layers in Britain and Europe obviously do not provide feasible solutions in these aspects.

The author is a local literary and historical enthusiast and religious researcher