The supervision of psychological health also has room for further improvement. Many current training teachers and service institutions are uneven, and the quality of service quality is difficult to guarantee; data use and privacy protection need to be clarified.To build a systematic and fine psychological health support network, the government needs to be led by the government, and all sectors of society and the public participate together.This is a long -term system engineering.

After in -depth understanding of the policy background of the United Morning Post on February 12, the social psychology has made more healthy social psychology.And responsibility.It is indeed a top priority to vigorously add training teachers and grass -roots service facilities to allow the general public to enjoy convenient psychological counseling and assistance.

The Singaporean government is far -sighted and attaches great importance to psychological health issues, and incorporates it into the national development strategy.In 2020, the Ministry of Health issued a "psychological health blueprint", proposing the goal of achieving "everyone with mental health" by 2030.To this end, the government has adopted a series of measures, including increasing investment in psychological health service funds, expanding the team of psychological counselors, promoting mental health education, and strengthening care for vulnerable groups.These measures have made important contributions to improving the level of social psychological health.

However, while fully affirming the existing progress, we should also look directly at the complicated and diverse cause system of mental health problems.Any single response method is difficult to work.Therefore, the establishment of a systematic and three -dimensional policy system and technical support, which enables various measures to form a joint force and accurately and effectively prevent and treat psychological disorders. It is the direction that we need to think in depth.

1. Strengthen the early investigation and monitoring, and consolidate the policy foundation

The formation and evolution of psychological diseases is a complex sociological process. It is necessary to fully investigate and understand the results of the group psychological mechanism, environmental inducement, and individual characteristics.At present, related research at home and abroad is still very limited, and the understanding of the problem is not comprehensive.Therefore, the government can consider setting up a team of experts to conduct a survey of psychological health status of large samples and establish a database.Through statistical analysis methods such as questionnaire samples and data modeling, they make full use of big data technologies, etc., in -depth analysis of the sociology and psychological causes of different psychological problems, and lay the foundation for formulating targeted response measures.

2. Family and school constitute a double defense line

Many professional studies have shown that family relationships and school environment are important factor affecting young people's mental health.The current policy is mainly focused on the school side, but it should further increase the adjustment of family education and family relationships.First of all, many family contradictions are important causes of children to cause psychological diseases.By selecting social workers to intervene in guidance and solving these deep species, it is an important measure to curb secondary injuries.Secondly, psychological health education is carried out for parents, so that parents can learn to communicate well with their children and avoid the formation of problems. It is also an imminent task.Only by establishing these two defense lines can we truly build the first barrier to psychological health.

3. Establish a new model of precise early warning and technological intervention

In fact, through intelligent emotional analysis systems, you can judge whether individuals have potential psychological health problems in advance.Through analysis of people's daily voice, text, images, physiological signals, etc., high -precision personalized models can be achieved, which can dig real emotional fluctuations hidden under layers of appearance.If these technological achievements are applied to schools, community service centers and other places, they can monitor the overall mental health of residents in real time based on cloud big data.Once anomalous monitoring is monitored, you can immediately send a health reminder to the relevant individuals, and subsequent guidance will be guided by psychologists to intervene in time before the problem worsens.This forward -looking, technological new model can greatly improve the accuracy and effectiveness of psychological services.It also requires the government to increase the application of scientific research investment and technical demonstration to promote faster landing.

4. Eliminate social stigma and encourage active opening for help

The labeling judgment of "heart disease" is currently commonly presented, which makes many people who need help dare not disclose help and receive treatment.Therefore, how to further strengthen positive propaganda, eliminate the stigma of the society's psychological problems, and make the psychological health problem a positive and rational choice, and it is an important measure to guide the formation of an open and inclusive environment.Through the propagation of correct cognition, letting the public understand that facing psychological problems is not a personal error, but the "disease" that can be overcome by scientific treatment, helps to create an unprecedented support environment, encourage more people who need help to take the initiative to ask for helpEssenceThis can also be taken by the government to gradually change the general mistakes of the public.

5. Make up huge professional talent gaps

In fact, the current shortage of high -level professionals such as various psychological counselors and psychologists, it is difficult to meet the huge potential service demand.It is not enough to rely on increasing the scale of training.The government can consider funding the cultivation of higher education interest in psychological health, and encourage more outstanding students to join this field through a series of preferential policies.At the same time, it is necessary to vigorously introduce advanced foreign psychological counseling and treatment techniques to quickly improve Singapore's overall ability in this field.Only by unswervingly replenishing the huge gap between the professional team and the supply of mental health can the supply be met.

6. Promote the improvement and innovation of relevant regulations

The supervision of psychological health also has room for further improvement. Many current training teachers and service agencies are uneven, and the quality of service quality is difficult to guarantee; data use and privacy protection also need to be clarified.Therefore, establish a complete quality standard system and industry access mechanism, standardize market order, and prevent the rampant of adverse institutions. At the same time, to accelerate the formulation of data and privacy protection laws to create a safe and controllable environment for big data applications. It is also the direction that the government should promoteEssence

In summary, to build a systematic and fine psychological health support network, it is necessary to lead the government, from all walks of life and the public to participate in multiple perspectives from various angles such as early investigation, education and propaganda, scientific and technological innovation, talent investment, and improvement of regulations.Combat force can be dealt with in a timely manner to ensure the physical and mental health of the general public.This is a long -term system project that must learn more professional suggestions in policy formulation. It also needs to continue to make new promotion and continue to contribute wisdom to the rapid maturity and high -quality development of this industry.

The author is a retired civil servant