The largest country of Asian, the country with the largest Muslim population in the world, and the world's fourth population, Indonesia, and the world's largest single -day election on Wednesday (February 14).The 72 -year -old former general Plaboor was like a bamboo. According to the reliable and informal sampling results, he received at least 57%support. It is expected that he would win in a round without entering the second round of elections.Plabovo had announced his own election that night.

Observed sources generally believe that Plabowavo's victory is inseparable from two words: Zoko.Plaboor's life in the mainland government three times to make a big position, and the first two times became the defeat of the current President Zako.Zoko's popularity reached the top.

International media have written articles to predict Plaboor's foreign policy.This enthusiasm is not because of the curiosity of Plabovo, but focusing on the special status of Indonesia, and the current background of Sino -US competition and even confrontation.As the largest country in Asia, Indonesia is a key battlefield for China and the United States for economic and political influence. Whoever leads Indonesia will have an important impact on regional geopolitical patterns.For this point, the relevant reports of Western media reveal a kind of tension.Chinese public opinion is silent and is in a state of watching.

Indonesia with a population of 270 million, known as the "medium power".Since 2012, Indonesia has also been crowned another title called "Global Swinging Country".This concept refers to four to six countries including India, Brazil, and Turkey, which is characterized by a large economic volume and a more stable democratic system in development and strategic positions.Western comments say that they are "swinging up", which secretly criticize them to be skeptical of some factors in the United States -led global order.Instead, it will switch the cooperation objects depending on the situation.To put it simply, it is to implement independent and pragmatic diplomacy, or to seek the source.Of course, for Dangda, this is not called "swing", called "balance".

Zoko is the representative of Indonesia's balanced diplomacy. Although in some Western comments, he may "balance" more in China.Zoko visited China five times. He visited three times between July 2022 and October 2023. He also attended the opening ceremony of the World University Summer Games in Chengdu.Because of this diplomatic positioning, Zoko won a large number of Chinese trade and investment for Indonesia, including the Yawan high -speed rail with a cost of US $ 7.3 billion (S $ 9.8 billion) and a 40%proportion of Chinese investment.

Based on the positive posture and international status of Indonesia, Beijing naturally glanced at Zoko.However, Indonesia has not given up the tradition of not alliance. Like the expansion of the BRICS countries last year, Indonesia finally did not join. It is estimated that it would avoid being considered joining the Chinese and Russian camp.

Whether Plabowo will continue Zoko's diplomatic route, or change the president to change the route like the Philippines, it is believed that it is a question of China.

Signs show that Plaboor, which has received Western education, will be more active on the international stage, and will seek "to make Indonesia great again."He was born in a wealthy class. His grandfather was the founder of the National Bank of Indonesia. His father was a famous economist and served as the Cabinet Minister.Plabovo grew up in Europe. According to reports many years ago, the young Plabovo was an idealist and a hot nationalist. He returned to China at the age of 17 and volunteered to apply for military academy.Daughter.

From the 1970s to the 1990s, Plabowo, as the commander and leader of the Army Special Forces, was responsible for directing the force of the East Timor's Independent Revolution;Refers to planning some atrocities behind the scenes.These human rights records caused Prabowo to be banned by the United States for up to 20 years. It was not until 2019 that he was appointed by Zako as the Minister of Defense.

Western media described that Plabovo is "difficult to predict". It is a nationalist leader like former US President Trump and Russian President Putin. Some Chinese media found that their names have "Pu", Joke, this is" Pu's value ".

The so -called "difficult prediction" refers to fickle.In the 2019 election, Plabovo attacked Zoko with anti -China discussion and criticized Chinese workers to stole the work of Indonesians.This year, he changed his mouth to claim that he would inherit Zok's diplomatic line, emphasizing that he respects China and likes the United States.In response to Indonesia and China, which has sovereignty disputes in South China Hainana, Plabovo claims that this is a "considerable problem", but advocates solving through friendly negotiation.

China may not need to worry too much about Plabovo's diplomatic orientation. This former general who has been sanctioned and popular in the United States believes that it will not have a strong feeling for Western countries.But one thing to pay attention to is that he is born of soldiers, and he is expected to be more powerful on the sovereignty of the South China Sea. At the pre -election debate, he advocated that Indonesia should establish a strong maritime defense ability to maintainSovereignty in the sea area.

After the official inauguration, whether Plabovo will change again, "taking your own way", attracting much attention, but the unprovable route that is dominated by economic interests should continue to be Indonesian diplomatic axis.Furthermore, Plabovo also has to deal with the relationship with Zako. "The creation of the king" Zoko will inevitably continue to exert its influence. His eldest son Giblan will take over as the vice president.Zoko's young son Kasan is the chairman of another small party, completing Zoko's political layout step by step.

In the future, Zoko and his family and China estimate that there are many places that can work directly or indirectly. It is conceivable that he will continue to be the "old friend" of the Chinese people.