Kim Jong -un seems to be that under South Korea, the United States and Japan's new cold war against China, Russia, and the DPRK, sanctions against the DPRK will become weak.EssenceNorth Korea announced that it would use all means, including nuclear weapons, to occupy the entire territory of South Korea, and officially stated that nuclear weapons can "face South Korea."

At the beginning of this year, North Korea's move was extraordinary.At the Parannary Meeting of the Eighth Ninth Labor Party Central Committee held at the end of December last year, North Korea announced its fundamental conversion of South Korea and unified policies.North Korean leader Kim Jong -un also announced that it has ended the history of the North -South relations in the past 80 years. On the basis of acknowledging the "two countries that coexist in the Korean Peninsula", it has re -citizens' legalization of North Korea's policies to South Korea."The two national theories on the peninsula" are expected to set off a considerable storm around the situation of Korean and North Korean relations and the situation of the Korean Peninsula in the future.

In fact, the policy change in North Korea is not sudden.After the rupture of the Hanoi North Korea's heads of heads in 2019, at the seventh party plenary session held at the end of the year, Kim Jong -un gave up his dialogue and cooperation line with Han and the United States, clarifying that he changed the policy of South Korea and unified policies into long -term opposition and self -reliance;In 2020, the North -South Communist Liaison Office will change the Korean policy to the enemy's career.At the eighth party congress of 2021, the "unified struggle between the motherland" and the "between our nation" were deleted, and they advocated "realizing peace and unity through strength", and threatened not to deal with South Korea in the future.Last year, it was suddenly proposed to call South Korea the Republic of Korea and two South Korea.

At this meeting, Kim Jong -un first pointed out that the unity of the federal system, that is, the unity theory of "one nation, one country, two systems, and two governments" is unrealistic.EssenceIn addition, the nature of the South Korean system is characterized as the American colony, and the nature of the South Korean relations is "two war countries in the war", and instruct the North Korean Unified Front Department, etc.Change the principles and directions of the Korean struggle.This is a new definition of North -South relations, which fully portrayed the intention of using nuclear weapons.Whether North Korea's national concept will return to the old concept of igniting system competition is worthy of attention.

Kim Jong -un also denied the three principles of "autonomy, peaceful unity, and national unity" signed by the "Seven, Four, North and South" signed in 1972 and in 1972.The first three charter commemorative tower. "This is the reason for the existence of the North Korean regime, which is the disconnection of "socialist construction and the unity of the motherland", and negation of the "South Korean Revolution Theory" and "independent peaceful unity theory".Kim Jong -un also requested the revision of South Korea's constitution that refers to South Korea as the "first enemy country" and "unchanged host enemy", and in Article 9 of the North Korean Constitution, "the principle of" autonomy, peace and unity, and national unity is expressed.The terms of the struggle will also be deleted.In the same way, in the daily life of North Korean residents, unified words related to the nation are banned.

Negotiation of a unified policy of several policies

Kim Jong -un denying unified policy and precedent performance at this time, and even mentioned the Korean Constitution, trying to convert a policy to South Korea, containing several meanings.

First of all, Kim Jong -un seems to be that under South Korea, the United States and Japan's new cold war against China, Russia, and the DPRK, sanctions will become weak. In the process of Russia and Ukraine's conflict, the influence of the United States is declining.In this case, North Korea's choice is to use the "Paradox of Cold War", just like in the past using the tension between the Sino -Soviet confrontation to maximize the interests of North Korea.

Second, the Korean government adheres to the "Korean master's enemy theory" and is based on the constitutional territorial clauses of "the territory of the Republic of Korea as the Korean Peninsula and its affiliated islands."Free democraticism is that South Korea will continue to try to disintegrate the North Korean regime and carry out absorption unity.

Third, Kim Jong -un's formal abolition of North Korea's nuclear support is the past position of "use of the United States".Regarding the use of nuclear weapons, although there are prerequisites for "if the war broke out by South Korea and the United States", North Korea announced that it would use all means including nuclear weapons to occupy the whole of South Korea and officially showed that nuclear martial arts were "facing South Korea."

Fourth, in order to be recognized by the United States as a nuclear country, it continues to implement the strategy of exacerbating military tensions in the Korean Peninsula.Therefore, North Korea has a large number of production tactical nuclear weapons, strategic nuclear weapons and actual deployment as a action of nuclear countries to conduct the intention of negotiating with the United States.

In the end, internal control is required.In order to prevent the North Korean people's longing and followed South Korea, emphasizing the struggle and cultural struggle is a typical example.Because some people are looking forward to South Korea or following South Korea and other pro -Korean thinking, it has reached the level of serious threats to the North Korean system.

According to this understanding, North Korea has always implemented relevant measures while carrying out military provocation.North Korea conducted daily high -performance missile tests, showed off military power through the most cutting -edge weapon test, and rectified groups and units related to uniformly related related groups at the 14th session of the Supreme People's Conference held in January this year.The Motherland of the Institutional Motherland, the National Economic Cooperation Bureau, and the King Kong Mountain International Tourism Bureau have been abolished, completely eliminating the space for restarting the dialogue between the South Korea and the DPRK.On February 8th, it was announced to abolish the relevant laws of North and South economic cooperation and the four major North -South economic cooperation agreements.In fact, the Basic Agreement signed in 1991 is based on the premise of special bilateral relations that yearn for unity.Therefore, since North Korea proposed the theory of the two countries, it can be predicted that it will not only abolish the folk level, but also abolish the agreement signed between the North and South officials and completely cut off the contact line.

North and South Cushioning Retower has disappeared

However, this kind of understanding and measures of Kim Jong -un will make North Korea eat their own fruits.If the North -South relations are transformed into the relationship between the country and the country, only the South Korean North Korea can only be achieved through aggression, and the U.S. military in South Korea that he has always opposed will also become the choice of South Korea in independent sovereignty. North Korea will lose the legitimacy of his claim.In addition, the Republic of Korea, which is free and democratic, is the opposite of the Republic of Korea. It is necessary to prove that the necessity of the superiority of the system will inevitably expand.If you still want to compete with South Korea through nuclear weapons display and proof, it will fall into conflict.This logical structure will only highlight the hostility of one person and the hostility of North Korea, and recruit international isolation.In the future, even if a humanitarian disaster occurs in North Korea, South Korea can only play the function of humanitarian protection responsibilities in international law, which cannot help more.

The change of North Korea's policy is likely to promote the worsening situation of the original Korean Peninsula.What's more, in April this year, the South Korean parliament election, the November US election, etc., North Korea may continue to increase the tension of the peninsula to highlight the failure of South Korea and the United States' policy on North and the United States, and seize the leadership of the Peninsula issue in the future.Kim Jong -un has always adhered to the principles of "strong and strong, positive duel", while implementing high -pressure and super strong offensive policies, emphasizing that "war" is no longer the concept of abstract, it is realistic.The possibility of seven nuclear tests also surfaced.It is undeniable that due to unilateral measures in North Korea, the buffer zone between the north and the south has disappeared, and the possibility of occasional conflicts has increased.

In short, after the high development of the nuclear force, North Korea chose the route of our own way. In the short term, North Korea will rely on China and Russia to use the failed UN Security Council sanctions to show the ability of nuclear countries.However, North Korea should understand that this is a positive behavior that ignores the international community and avoids the pain and difficulties of the North Korean people. It is just a manifestation of the attributes of a person's dictatorship system.In this way, if South Korea wants to achieve results on the issue of North Korea, it must not only ensure military self -defense capabilities, but also continue to persuade and pressure with the international community including China and Russia.

The author is a professor at the University of Foreign Language and Foreign Language, President of the Northeast Asia Future Cooperation Forum