February 12 this year is the 60th anniversary of the "Residential House" plan for the Housing and Development Bureau.Since the start of the plan, the HDB Bureau has built a total of about 1.25 million house units to provide public housing for 80 % of Singapore residents. Among them, about 90 % of the families have their own housing, making Singapore the highest housing country in the world.one.

In Singapore, public housing not only provides a place to live, but also the cornerstone of the government to promote social stability and national identity.Residents have their own house plans to allow people to have real estate in this land to ensure that their fate with Singapore is restored.House is an investment, and it appreciates with the economic development of the country and infrastructure.

Through this plan, the government has implemented racial integration policies to ensure that the housing area reflects the national racial proportion and avoid the phenomenon of a single ethnic group.

In the design of the house, the public space of the bottom of the house also promotes residents' contact and cultivates the tolerance and understanding of other racial customs.In addition, the site selection and design of the HDB are also deliberately diversified, allowing people of different income classes to be adjacent to each other. In addition, the public cafeteria of the hawker center in the HDB area will help reduce the class awareness of society.

House plans have been promoted for 60 years, and have undergone a lot of changes.In 1968, the government allowed house houses to actively use the provident fund to supply housing to improve their burden; in 1971, the home building bureau allowed the homeowners to resold the HDB house after the minimum living period expired, which created the settlement market for the HDB; in 1989The housing construction bureau allows permanent residents to have a group house; since 1991, the Housing Construction Bureau launched a single house purchase plan, and a single single person can also buy a group house.

As more Chinese people have a group house, the government launched an asset value -added plan in the 1990s, including the renovation of the HDB to increase the value of the group house.At the National Day Mass Conference last year, Premier Li Xianlong announced that starting from the second half of this year, the government will no longer be divided according to mature and non -mature areas in terms of pricing of pre -order groups.Preferred and golden areas; single -person single at 35 years old can buy two -bedroom pre -order groups in all areas.

The government's many adjustments made by the government's public housing policy are to cooperate with social changes and the expectations of potential housing housing, and ensure that most Chinese people can afford and buy houses.In the next 60 years, Singapore society will experience a more rapid change.The income gap, the aging population, the increase of the single person, and the change of the workplace operating method means that the residents have a plan to face more and more complicated policy choices.

Residents have the success of their house plans, which is closely related to the policy of allowing the government to supply housing for housing.The provident fund improves the burden of buying a house for Chinese people and supports the real estate market.However, the use of provident funds for housing means that the savings of the provident fund have fallen.In Singapore, where the population is aging rapidly, some Chinese may have to cash out the group to make up for the lack of pensions.

At present, the house owner of the house can be replaced by the house deed repurchase plan of the house or the housing bureau in exchange for pensions.This means that the market for sale must be tough, otherwise it will impact those who rely on the house to cash with the elderly.Singapore HDB's resale market is quite active. As of December 28, a total of 26,628 units were transferred last year.Among them, 467 units were sold for more than one million yuan.Some private house owners "downgraded" turned to the purchase of resale groups, resulting in an increase in the volume of millions of houses.

The real estate market is intertwined, and the prices of resolding houses, pre -order houses, and private houses have affected each other.In the past two or three years, due to the impact of the impact of the construction of the pre -order group, the price of the resale group has risen significantly.Some young potential buyers are anxious about their own burdens.Some of them received funding from parents, and intergenerational wealth transfer further expands the gap between the rich and the poor.How to ensure that rising house prices can make up for the lack of pensions, and it will not cause too much burden on the younger generation of buyers. It is the key to whether the residents have their own housing plans.

Secondly, the increase in singles and the demand for a group of houses increases.The government has gradually relaxed the regulations of the single -person application for the group, but still insist that the single person can only buy a group of houses only at the age of 35.Even so, it is required to reduce the voice of single people buying a house.The regulations of the single application for the group have continued to relax, and there is a certain tension with the policy of encouraging the Chinese people to "marry early and give birth to children".

On the other hand, the trend of home office and the younger generation of marriage and child are increasing.However, the newly -built pre -order house has a smaller area than the old group, and some projects are no longer provided for five -bedroom houses.Some buyers' steering -selling resale groups not only increase the burden of house supply, but also push up the price of resale groups.

Residents have their homes to make Singapore proud, enjoying a good reputation internationally.This plan can endlessly, thanks to keeping up with the times and keeping adjustments.On the occasion of the 60th anniversary, we expect that the HDBC will not forget the original intention to ensure that the Chinese people can afford and buy a house.