Source: Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency

Since Hong Kong's full customs clearance at the beginning of last year, the consumption boom in the north of Hong Kong people has not faded.Recently, the large chain supermarket Costco has opened a long line in Shenzhen, and 90 % of the Hong Kong people who handle members.Don't think about it, what exactly is the Hong Kong people going north to see?

A reporter from Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency came to Luohu Port on my working day. Many Hong Kong people have dragged their suitcases in groups of three or five. The first stop is Sam Supermarket.Mr. Li told reporters that he didn't think of Shenzhen before, but friends around said that the development of Shenzhen is now completely different from before. It is easy to buy and stroll. Since the transportation is convenient, it is more lively for meals once or twice a month.He mentioned that the Hong Kong dollar is now more cost -effective for the RMB exchange rate, and it is very cost -effective to buy some fruits and snacks.

Young women are also characteristic groups in the north.The reporter saw in the old street business district that many Hong Kong girls' groups came to nail hairdressers. This kind of service, the price difference between the two places sometimes doubled.Citizen Miss Ou said that for the first time to go to Shenzhen nail art, the clerk was surprised that the clerk was always teaching her how to buy coupons to save money, and would not sell your card, and it was particularly patient and cost -effective.

On Friday night, in front of the restaurants near the gate, you can hear Cantonese.In communication, customers from Hong Kong generally report that there are too many types of meals that Shenzhen can choose. With many mainland restaurants opened stores in Hong Kong, they are very excited.

In addition to diet, playing is also a main reason to attract Hong Kong people to the north. Many families will bring their children to indoor playgrounds, theme parks, and artificial ski resorts to play on weekends.It is more convenient after customs clearance in Hong Kong and the Mainland. Hong Kong people have more cross -border work, relatives, and official duties.

Many Hong Kong people believe that the feeling of going to Shenzhen is like a part of daily life from Jiulong District to Hong Kong Island.

But in turn, for Shenzhen citizens, their subconscious still feels that it is a high -consumption outbound tour to Hong Kong.Ms. Ye told reporters that in addition to high consumption, the procedures for applying for a visa still make her feel a little troublesome; she mentioned that many Hong Kong people on the Internet commented on the general attitude of Mandarin passengers, which also made her a little worried.

After interviewing citizens in Shenzhen and Hong Kong, they may be able to understand why many media have recently discussed to discuss North Hot.However, this is not a new phenomenon after the epidemic.

Yao Bailiang, a member of the Legislative Council of the Tourism World, told reporters that before the epidemic, Hong Kong people often went north; objectively speaking, it returned to normal level before the epidemic."About 80 million people arrived in the Mainland in 2018, which is equivalent to at least 10 times for everyone to return to the Mainland; the average of 6 million Hong Kong people went north to the north, and now it is only about 56 million people."

For the new concept of the upper upsurge in the north, Yao Baoliang believes that it is the role of media propaganda. Shenzhen does seize the opportunity and vigorously promote Hong Kong customers.Under this dual publicity, everyone discussed more. It seemed that it suddenly broke out, but it was not much different from before the epidemic.He also believes that the appearance and supporting facilities of many cities in the Mainland give the people in the eyes of Hong Kong people, and the services in all aspects have improved a lot.Everyone discovered this, and began to be stained, driving the trend.

According to data from the National Immigration Administration of Immigration, Hong Kong residents have 160 million in the Mainland in 2018.According to data from the Hong Kong Entry Department, 53.34 million residents in Hong Kong went north throughout the year.