Source: Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency

Author: Li Yanzhou

Recently, border conflicts occurred in Iran and Pakistan.After Iran implemented air raids on terrorist organizations in Pakistan and killed several people, Pakistan implemented air raids on anti -Pakistan armed organizations in Iran.However, some experts said that the conflict between the two countries will not continue to be upgraded.

Pakistani military people confirmed on the 18th that the Pakistani army cracked down on "terrorists" located in Iran that day.Iran said that air strikes killed three women and four children, all of which were not Iranian citizens.

Earlier, Iran launched a missile on the evening of the 16th to attack the "terrorist organization" and "Justice Army" base located in the border area of ​​Iran and Pakistan.The Pakistani Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated on the early morning of the 17th that Iran's violations of their airspace led to the death of two children in Pakistan. This incident may have "serious consequences" and "completely unacceptable."The Pakistani Ministry of Foreign Affairs also stated on the 17th that it decided to recall the country's ambassador to Iran.

The southwestern part of Pakistan and the southeast of Iran have about 900 kilometers of common boundaries.The two countries often accuse each other as shelter for "terrorist organizations" for their own country.

Liu Zongyi, a researcher at the Shanghai International Institute and the director of the South Asian Research Center, said in an interview with the Hong Kong News Agency on the 18th that this time Iran may be a little considered, and the anti -Iranian organization in Pakistan is not necessarily the Pakistani government behind it.It may be supported by the United States or India.There are many tribes at the junction of Pakistan and Iran. Pakistani is in the Cindy Pie, and Iran is mainly Shiites.They have some cross -border rebels or anti -government organizations, and they have been in their origin for a long time.Iran claims that this time was to crack down on the anti -Iranian forces hiding in Pakistan, but Iran did not notify the Pakistan government in advance, and then suddenly launched an attack.Sovereignty and territory.

It is understood that "Baluchi Province" in southwestern Pakistan is the largest province in the country's land area, but it belongs to the mountain terrain. It has the least population and the least developed.

Pakistan has identified some separateist armed groups with the Schistan-Baltatinan province on the border between the two countries as the base camp to launch an attack on the Pakistan province on the side of Pakistan.Iran has identified some Iranian anti -government armed forces to hide in Baluchi provinces and attacked Iran's targets, including the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards Border Defense Force.

For Pakistan's revenge, Liu Zongyi said that Pakistan is now the guardian government, and it does not want people to feel that the government is too weak.Pakistan's revenge is reasonable, but the response and means are too strong.

"This matter should be controllable or mediated, because neither party needs to expand the contradictions and intention, hoping that they can calm down and stabilize the situation." Liu Zongyi said.