Recently, in addition to the Harbin War, the Middle East has an additional fire point -the United States and Britain hit the Hussean armed forces.The Houthi armed forces attacked the merchant ships that passed through the Red Sea, and attacked the warships responsible for escorting, attracting the counterattack of the United States and Britain to destroy the military facilities of the Hussean armed forces.

The Casseng armed forces caused the Red Sea crisis that threatened the global economy, so the Red Sea escort came into being.Regardless of good or bad things in the world, there must be a country to take the lead. The good thing of the Red Sea escort is led by the United States.The "Prosperous Guardian Action" of the Red Sea is recognized by many countries.From the 10th National Nursing Alliance to the signing of 20 countries to join.The 44 countries involved in Singapore issued a joint statement that condemned the Casseng armed forces to create the Red Sea crisis and support the Red Sea nursing.

When the Houthi armed forces attacked the merchant ship, it was the aggression on the owner of the merchant ship.When the Houthi armed forces attacked the nationwide ships and planes, it was equivalent to declared war on the escort country.The Houthi armed forces turned the Red Sea into a battlefield, with many objects of aggression and war.On December 30th and 31st last year, the Matsky "Hangzhou" business ship registered in Singapore has been attacked twice.Initially fired missiles by the Houthi armed forces, and then almost hijacked by the Houthi forces.Fortunately, the U.S. military that escorted in the Red Sea should shot down the two missiles of the Hussean armed forces in the call for the "Hangzhou", and then drove the Hussean armed robbery.The Houthi armed forces fired at the U.S. military helicopter, and the U.S. military sank three boats of Hussean armed forces and killed 10 Hussean militants.

As the Red Sea crisis was getting critical and critical, the Security Council passed a resolution on January 10 to condemn the Hassy forces and asked it to stop the Red Sea immediately.On the same day, the Houthi armed forces officially declared war and war against the United States and Britain, launching drones and missiles on a large scale, attacking the US British warships.The United Nations decision emphasized that the United Nations member states have the right to protect their vessels from attacks in accordance with international law, which means that countries that have attacked vessels have the right to defend themselves.In fact, self -defense is the right to talent, and there is no need to be awarded.If the attacked country has no ability to fight a self -defense counterattack, other countries can legally help it.On January 12, the Herseo -fighting crisis of the United States and Britain cracked down on the Red Sea crisis, Hussean armed military facilities.Soon after, the United States conducted a second round of strikes, mainly the trace armed radar system.

Some people have a wrong understanding of the Houthi armed forces.The history of the Houthi armed forces is not glorious. It is a rebellion of Yemen. The United Nations Security Council used it to characterize it as a "terrorist organization" in 2022.In addition, it is supported by Iran's finance and weapons, so it is not poor.The "Revolution" of Hussean was successful and laid down the Mountains of Yemen, but it did not represent Yemen. The United Nations did not have the Massa Armed Military Men, only the Emperor Gate Republic in the other half of the land of Yemen.

The United States and Britain hit the Houthi armed forces, with opposition and support, and clearly.High -profile condemnation is Iran, Syria and Russia, as well as three organizations: Hamas, Jehad, and Allah.There are more supporters, and Australia, Canada, and the Netherlands provide intelligence support; Cyprus, Barin, and Qatar allow US British aircraft to use military bases on their land; Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE will be opened to US -British fighters.

The purpose of

The purpose of blows, such as the United States and Britain, said in a joint statement that it is to "restore the stability of the Red Sea" and "to ensure the freedom of navigation of the world's most important commercial waterway."Which country is unwilling to eliminate the Red Sea crisis that threatens the global economy?The two important countries in the Middle East Egypt and Saudi Arabia are even more happy.The Hassas was armed to block the Red Sea, and the Suez Canal was blocked. Without the Tong River's traffic, Egypt's fiscal loss was huge.The Hussean armed forces were the rivals of Saudi Arabia. Last year, Saudi Arabia's armed master Iran resumed diplomatic relations. On the surface, the leaders of the two countries shook hands and talked.

One is the Hassy armed forces that create the Red Sea crisis to have the start of the war against the Red Sea vessels. The other side is to restore the stability of the Red Sea and fight for self -defense fighting for themselves for its country.The Rhase armed forces that escorted and attacking merchant ships were right and wrong. Is it clearly placed?

The author is Chinese retired mechanical designer