The first year after meeting between China and the United States in Bali, Indonesia, after a year after meeting in Bali, after a variety of relationships between the relationship between the two parties, and responsible for the main officials in the fields of diplomacy, security, and finance, arduous consultations. On the morning of November 15, last November 15thThe manor met again and obtained the establishment of a number of positive results such as the intergovernmental dialogue between artificial intelligence and risk, increasing flights and expanding education, culture, and industrial and commercial exchanges.

There are two important breakthroughs. One is to restore high -level communication between the two armies, the Ministry of Defense's work meeting, maritime security military consultation mechanism, and the leadership of the two armies; the other is to establish a direct phone call between the two heads of state.These two items provide basic guarantees for the two armies and two armies avoid conflicts (responsible control control bilateral relations), which is also the real intention of the United States for the San Francisco meeting.Through this meeting, China and the United States have reached a control mechanism, but it has not caused the internal contradictions and conflict factors, and it is far from setting up the basic track that can establish a harmonious relationship with each other.

During the meeting, US President Biden said: "We must ensure that the competition will not slip to conflict and control the competition responsible. This is what the United States wants to do and prepare.… To cooperate when it meets each other's interests.The World Centennial Change has accelerated the evolution of this big background. Thinking and planning.Success is an opportunity for each other.

We can make two points of interpretation from the expressions of both parties: First, the fields that the two parties that the United States are concerned about in cooperation mainly lies in the aspects of climate change, cracking down on drugs and artificial intelligence.Do not armed Taiwan independence and prevent cross -strait unification, and look forward to reaching a new consensus.We did see such a fact. The point of focus on the US relations in China is to control Sino -US relations and avoid unexpected accidents. The focus of China ’s attention is to prevent the United States from reducing and interfere with the unity of cross -strait and reduce development conflicts.Obviously, what the two sides really care about are not the same direction.

Anti -defensive displacement

China's relations with the United States and the United States and related affairs have appeared in some situations in recent years.China has actively attacked by long -term defensive transfer, but due to its comprehensive strength, development concepts and institutional restrictions, China's anti -countermeasures and counterattack effects on the United States have not been very significant.The United States has continuously declined with economy, technology, diplomacy, industrial chain and continuously increasing the strategic combination of Taiwan military sales, collaborative allies to promote the Indo -Pacific strategic framework, and block China's "Belt and Road".China, which ended the three -year epidemic, faced major political pressure and severe challenges in the development of the internal and external circular economy.

The death of Sino -US relations is in the Taiwan Strait.The White House and the Powers, including the Pentagon, are on the Taiwan issue. In order to avoid the out of control of Sino -US relations, it has been adopted for a long time with strategic blurring in words and strategic and clear -oriented two -track strategies.During the meeting of the Ferroli Villa, Xi Jinping told Bayon in person that the United States should reflect the unsuitable explanation of Taiwan's independence in action, stop armed Taiwan, and support China's peaceful unity.He emphasized that China will eventually be unified and will be unified.

Biden said that the US position is to maintain peace and stability.The long -term governance of the two sides of the strait does not conform to the long -term strategic interests of China. The unification of the two sides of the strait is the inevitable national agenda for the rise of the Chinese nation. China is a must.On the one hand, the United States is unwilling to abandon Taiwan and fully prepare for the Taiwan Strait. On the other hand, it does not want to be a direct military conflict between the China and the United States that broke out by the Taiwan Strait, and it does not want to expand to a large -scale hot battle between the allies between the two sides.However, although maintaining the status quo of the Taiwan Strait is the most in line with the strategic interests of the United States, if the mainland starts the martial arts process, the United States will inevitably cooperate with its allies directly to military military intervention based on its global strategic drive.

This will mean that a direct military confrontation will occur again in the Western Pacific in the Western Pacific in the Western Pacific between China and the United States.

Without the United States intervention, the possibility of reunification between cross -strait through peaceful negotiations is very high, and the process will be significantly accelerated.However, in the context of the United States constantly arming Taiwan and the possibility of troops intervention, the peaceful and unity of cross -strait is very difficult."This world can tolerate China and the United States", but each other may not be willing to give up the strategic bottom line and interests that they must adhere to.Taiwan in China is an "irreplaceable red line", and in the United States is its strategic interests that they do not want to give up.

China must be alert to the trend of the alliance of North Korea and Russia

Global governance and development and security are on the current in the current, turbulent, complex and changeable.China needs to be highly vigilant that the development trend of politics, especially the military, and Russia will constitute a new major potential threat to China's geopolitical security.This will mean that the threat of China's geopolitics and territorial security threats not only has historical rivals from Japan and the U.S. Indo -Pacific strategic direction, but also faces the potential destructiveness of the new military and political alliance that appears under the new historical conditions such as the Russia and North Korea under the new historical conditions.threaten.The latter's danger to China is to appear with the face of "friendship".The Military and Political Alliance of Russia will become a potential crater that directly threatens Northeast Asia and global security.

On the one hand, the people are hungry and cold, and on the other hand, the Jin's regime is poor. What else can the Kim exactly care about maintaining its dictatorship?According to media reports, 240 people in North Korea died from hunger from January to July.According to a report submitted to the Human Rights Council (UNHCR) in March of this year, 42%of North Korea ’s population was due to insufficient malnutrition.But another picture is that the Kim family lives a huge and extravagant life of daily expenses. The black handbag used by Kim Jong -un's sister Kim and Zhengfei to visit Russia is the French brand Dior, which is about $ 7,200 (approximately about 7,200 US dollars (approximately about 7,200 US dollars (approximately approximateS $ 9655).

The Jin's regime is using the delusion of mantra as a car, the basic order of the peaceful and development of human society in the inverted human society, and continues to promote the "family world" of the family that is extremely ignorant and backward.The future of the autocratic regime with the people and the right of human beings and the development of human development is never possible. The future of the Jin's regime must have no future, and the Golden regime is dangerous to be unscrupulous. This must be highly vigilant in China.

The root cause of the

The outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine war is that the Russian monopoly economy and dictatorship's oligarchs feel or unable to withstand the huge struggles of the Western free market, the society of rule of law society and democracy.The accompaniment or tendency support of North Korea, Belarus, and related countries is based on this interest position.The development system of North Korea and other countries must be reset by the right path of human development.Humans should see the correct direction of Guangming Avenue worldwide.The inevitable trend of global development and life integration is that the adherence of "painting for the land is in prison, and the momentum cannot enter" is unrealistic.

China has its own heavy national history and civilization, and must also face the reality and trend of human development. It is necessary to have the global space -time pattern that can be opened without fascination and stands at the peak.In the global situation of human society, it is a prerequisite for all this to be a prerequisite for the establishment of a national comprehensive and modern governance and development system that is not losing the right direction, and it is beneficial to all human beings.

China and the United States should not only build a development system that is conducive to sustainable and high -quality operations in various fields.Reform the place to promote the timely reform and efficient and effective work of the WTO, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund, and other international institutions, and then work together for the global sustainable and high -quality peaceful and development environment, and work together.

Although the United States is today's global hegemon, it is impossible to play invincible in the world at all and coordinate the global strategy.Facing the reality of global governance and development, China and the United States should not be a country that has you without me and cannot be compatible.The relationship should be precisely to make two -way efforts in the areas of politics, economy, science and technology, education, culture, and even lifestyle.Sino -US relations require both effective management and control and ease rather than continuously pushing the conflict. They also need to cooperate with each other to set up each other and borrow from each other.This is the righteousness of Sino -US relations, and it is also the eager requirement of human global life and development relationships.

The author is a researcher at the Chinese Development and Safety Issues of Beijing National Intelligence and Studies Research Institutions