The 30 episodes of TV series with the start -up period of the stock market in the early 1990s of the 1990s of the famous Hong Kong director Wang Jiawei were popular.Causes widespread heated discussion.I couldn't help but think that in 1985, the multi -episode TV series Shanghai, produced by Hong Kong TVB, was introduced to Mainland China by Shanghai TV Station, which caused Chinese TV audiences to be empty lanes during the playback period of the episode.Scenes.

In terms of the business effect caused by the flowering of flowers, from the perspective of economic benefits, the production of this TV series is undoubtedly successful.From the perspective of entertainment, it is also a perfect production.The TV series calls a large number of popular cultural elements, including the handsome makeup, the male and female actors who can play, the Hong Kong and Taiwan popular songs and the mainland popular songs, the dazzling and dazzling photography scenes with the breath of the times.Passionate attention and enthusiastic attention.

However, from the perspective of artistic aesthetics, and using criticism of realism with a ruler of realism, this TV series adapted from novels completely captured the criticism of the realistic realism in the original novel.Kaifeng business production.This is by no means fault.Throughout the original novels, and comparing the TV series, they look at the two literary works of different art categories. They will not notice their respective artistic fun and aesthetic tastes.

The historical space covered by the flowers covered by novels, from the mid -1960s to the 1990s, experienced the serious destroying stage of the Chinese Cultural Revolution in urban citizens' life order and spiritual appearance, as well as the chaos after the Cultural Revolution, and the society was fully economic towards the economy.The situation of diverse development after reform and opening up.The young protagonist in the original novel Huosheng, Abao, Xiaomao, and many men and women who met with them are from different strata in the society.Their family backgrounds have different backgrounds, but in the era of turbulent life and changing, they have become friends since they were young. Until half of the year, Xiao Mao, who was in a dying world.Still.

Through nearly a hundred or unknown characters in the book, the author Jin Yucheng showed readers with 10,000 stories full of furry details.These stories are mostly involved in men and women and fireworks on diet, but all of them are the colorful memories of the changes of the times and the fate of sadness.On the basis of traditional realism, the plot fragments in the book have no lack of modern freehand brushwork and magic consciousness.

The TV series is a lot of flowers, almost another stove, cut off a large number of characters, and shorten the plot to span the age.Among the three actors, Du Li was promoted to President Abao because of the trading stocks.The entire plot was concentrated in the two years in 1993 and 1994. The main line of love and hatred in the capital market of the stock ticket is the main line.The entanglement is a secondary line, and thus goes back to 1987's nostalgia for the first love object Xuezhi.It is necessary to say that the exquisite adaptation of the TV series has completed a sweet and seductive TV series, but it is also completely buried in the deep and wide history of the connotation of the original story of the novel.

Take Xuezhi, an adaptation of an important figure of Abao's view of love in the TV series, to try analysis.In the novel, Xuezhi and the young Abao were free to fall in love. Later, the reason for the interruption of the relationship was due to the "counter -revolutionary" status of Abao's father, and the workers of Abao as the collective ownership of the Lane processing group., Caused by the disparity between the two people's work units.In the TV series, Xuezhi left Abao Yuan to marry Hong Kong. After the divorce, when he returned to Shanghai, he met with the huge difference between the income of the two sides and looked at the old lover.

The biggest difference in shaping the character of Xuezhi is the different arrangements for her ending in novels and TV series.In the novel, Xuezhi cut off his feelings because of his father's intervention and Abao; after the reform and opening up, Xuezhi, who changed from pure and changed, went to Thailand with a few wealthy women with a very feminine Xiao Mao.In front of Xiao Mao's dying sick couch, Xuezhi and other women who had traveled with Xiaomao, as well as Hu Sheng and Abao were present to send Xiaomao for the last trip.

In the TV series, Xuezhi was unintentionally met by Bao, who came to contact business in Hong Kong, and found that her life was unsatisfactory.Xue Zhiwan rejected Abao to help her to help her, but she could not live until 1997, which they had vowed to see you 10 years later.The author's description of the love of Abao and Xuezhi's love pointing to the injustice of criticism to the society, and the TV series pointed the criticism of the criticism of the criticism of Xuezhi.As for the arrangement of Xuezhi different destiny, it even more illustrates the author and screenwriter of the Flower Flower Novels and the TV series producers and screenwriters, and the insights of the history and personal destiny are high.

In 1967, two famous young novelists Garcia Marquez and Balgas Loliza held a literary talk in Lima.When answering the other party's question "What do you think as a writer", Marquez said: "In excellent literary works, I can always findThe tendency to help create a new life and social form; in short, it is the tendency to improve human life. "Concerning ".

The first episode of the TV series Flower started with Deng Xiaoping's southern tour as a benchmark for political correctness in 1992. The end of the end of the finale was retributed, and good people were promoted.At the end of the drama, Abao, who retreated from the campaign of the capital market, stood on a piece of land purchased by his own funds and welcomed the future with hope.It echoed before and after, it was really like a master melody.There are no 1,000 "no sound" in the flowers of the novel."No sound" can be a thinker who is thinking and acting, or it can be a kind of clumsy and a gesture of retreat.Silence is gold, and "not loud" is a declaration of moral conscience that does not compromise with power forces.

No one will take the TV series Shanghai Beach as a historical period, although its story spans different periods such as warlord melee, the unification of the Northern Expeditionary Army, the establishment of the Nanjing National Government, and the Chinese Anti -Japanese War.This is a remosive entertainment film. In addition to the entertainment audience, people have also prompted people to think about their personal life encounters and fate in the context of history.Latin American novelists' destructive strength in the mouth of Latin American novelists is good. The novels are scattered, the arrival of death, a song is ended, and people are still dispersed. Excellent literary and artistic works should remind the world to keep their eyes cold on life and life.

The author is a local retirement engineer