Source: China News Agency

After Dong Yuhui left the East to select "Single Fly", his exclusive live broadcast room "Walking with Hui" announced a day after the broadcast for three days. This was another stopped broadcasting after his "small composition storm".The official public claims that "walking with Hui" claimed that the reason for the stop was "nothing to sell."

The latest issue of China News Weekly, a subsidiary of China News Agency, reported that at 7 pm on January 9th, countless people stayed in front of the mobile phone and looked forward to "silence" for more than half a month."" ".Three days after that, Dong Yuhui led about 70 people to sell 200 million yuan (RMB, S $ 38.16 million), and the number of account fans exceeded 10 million, but soon stopped broadcasting because of "nothing to sell".The industry is the first time.

According to a person close to the East, the current selection person in Dong Yuhui's team is not enough, and the energy efficiency of the selection is relatively low.In contrast, Oriental's selection of self -employed products accounted for as high as 58 %, revealing the obvious shortcomings of the new team of "walking with Hui" in the supply chain and selection.

It is worth mentioning that the supply chain of these products and the construction of self -employed products are mainly led by the former CEO of the Oriental selection.

"The development of account development depends not only on Dong Yuhui's personal performance, team building, but also on the general trend of the development of the live broadcast industry in the future." Zhao Zhenying, a researcher at the National Engineering Laboratory of E -commerce Trading Technology, pointed out that the supply chain is all e -commerce companiesThe foundation of survival, whether to have a powerful supply chain system to determine the life and death of the e -commerce team.The construction of the supply chain system depends not only on money, but also depends on the connection relationship and industry influence of the main creative team.

China News Weekly article said that Dong Yuhui must "transform".On the first day of the launch of the "Walking with Huihui", the goods are all third -party brands, and there are no self -employed products selected by Oriental.Several interviewees believe that this means that "walking with Hui" wants to get out of a model that is different from the East.

Internet observer Zhang Shule believes that as far as Dong Yuhui and the team's live broadcast of goods are concerned, it is consistent with the previous selection in the East, but it is really good in terms of data effects, breaking a number of records.Dong Yuhui's "independent portal" has strengthened a wave of people, allowing his fan circle to expand another layer. Every fan who watched his live broadcast may feel "honorable with".

Zhao Zhenying believes that live broadcast is a pleasant economy. "Shuang" is the most direct reason for its users. Fans' emotional management is a mature live broadcast team that must have the ability.

On the day of the first broadcast, after Yu Minhong appeared in the live broadcast room, he emphasized that Dong Yuhui "worked hard day and night" in order to build the team in such a short time.In the live broadcast, Dong Yuhui joked that "when he woke up is the salary of so many people", and actively sold the goods, recommending the product as a "boss", which was very different from the "subtle" performance in the Eastern selection of the live broadcast room before.

In fact, the "small composition storm" more than a month ago brought a lot of tests to Yu Minhong and Dong Yuhui.Li Wei, a professor of economics at the Yangtze River Business School, pointed out that Dong Yuhui's small composition incident is essentially the difference between the orientation of Dong Yuhui or the market for the selection of or the market.

According to media reports, the industry's valuation of personal IP is generally (GMV sales-cost) X12 months X100 months. At present, Dong Yuhui's IP valuation is about $ 1 billion (S $ 1.3 billion).

Cui Lili, executive director of the Institute of Electronic Commerce of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, believes that the core of traffic logic is the big IP. To give full play to the commercial value of the big IP, it must also be reflected in the interest distribution mechanism.Way.If there is an unreasonable distribution of interests, the cooperation is not sustainable.

The current architecture of "'and Hui" is a proper measure of both parties, and there is still a lot of room for adjustment in the later period. "Zhao Zhenying said that live broadcast is a newly emerged industry, matched with itThe design is still on the road. The design of the business model is a science. A good business model is the best balance of personal interests and team interests.