The US Foreign Diplomacy Website published on January 16th that the United States cannot surpass China's strength in Asia on January 16th.Senior Researcher Jennifer Vavana.The full text is as follows:

At the end of President Obama, the future role of the United States in Asia faces a clear choice.As China becomes stronger and stronger, Washington may pay a greater price when trying to maintain the US military hegemony in the region.Or it can acknowledge that China will inevitably play an increasingly important role there, and use its limited resources to balance China's power and seek regional hegemony in China without maintaining its own regional hegemony.

Obama's successor Trump and Biden both chose the first way.As the then Chairman of the United States Chiefs Chief of Staff Mark Milly said in early 2023, they focus on achieving "transcendence" to China -maintaining military advantages is the primary goal of the US India -Pacific policy.Biden's strategy of achieving this goal is different from his predecessor.The Biden team realized that the cost of maintaining the United States in the region's military dominance in the region has become politically and actually unsustainable. Therefore, it is seek to build an alliance consisting of allies and partners to pay some fees.For example, in the past three years, the Bayeng government has successfully obtained the right to use more military bases in the Philippines, established a new three -sided intelligence sharing mechanism with South Korea and Japan, and established the Australian -British and American Alliance with Australia and the United Kingdom to provide the Australian Navy with the Australian Navy.Nuclear power submarine.

Despite some success, Bayeng's overall progress in establishing the necessary alliances is slow.The United States still lacks military channels entering key areas of Asia. None of the powerful security structure led by the United States, and there are not enough allies and partners to maintain the advantage of the United States.To make matters worse, there is no clear way to overcome these weaknesses.The geographical location of Asia has reduced the threat of the region's countries that the composition of China, and fundamentally destroyed the project of the Alliance for Biden.

Biden's projects lack the necessary institutional and mechanisms. In emergency situations, it requires allies and partners to take effective synchronization operations.The "Quartet Safety Dialogue" mechanism composed of Australia, India, Japan, and the United States aims to deepen maritime cooperation and other initiatives.However, because the information sharing arrangement is still bilateral, it cannot provide the common information required to coordinate the action in the crisis.Similarly, Washington expects Tokyo to provide direct military support in the regional war, but it has not yet established the United States and Japan Joint Command to effectively coordinate the actions of the two countries.

The limited achievements of the Biden government reflect a potential reality that many people in Washington are unwilling to face: the US military hegemony in Asia cannot be maintained for a long time.The United States should not continue to pursue a dominant position that is destined to fail, but should adopt a strategy of preferred balance rather than surpass China's strength.

The limited progress of the Biden government should cause people's doubts, that is, whether the United States can maintain its dominant position in Asia, or even strive to maintain this position.Some US leaders hope that with the increase in Chinese military threats, the alliance that defends the US advantageous position will eventually appear.This optimism is unspecified.The geographical location of the region is not conducive to Biden's desire to establish an alliance.

The vast Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean have formed a powerful defense barrier, which has promoted the idea and complaints of geographically dispersed (Asia) countries to take a cars.Neighboring countries in China are of course vigilant for Beijing.But Indonesia, Malaysia and other countries often do not consider Beijing as a threat of survival.The seas of the Indo -Pacific Theater has weakened the credibility of the American deterrence.Considering how much efforts in Washington's "returning" Asia's efforts, and how wide military commitments in the United States in Europe and the Middle East, many Asian countries have doubts about the endurance of the United States in the region in the region.

The United States can choose a different way -it should also do this.More wise and sustainable US strategy should focus on balanced China's power, rather than surpass it.

People who criticize the balance strategy may argue that this approach will make China bolder and trigger a concern for American allies to abandon itself.But they are wrong: if Washington does not change the practice, it may find that it is too nervous.Balanced approach will be more sustainable and less risks, because it is compatible with the unique geographical environment of the region, not against each other.(Compiled/Longjun)