Source: Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency

Author: Guan Xiuying

Looking back in the past year, China, as the world's largest and most important automobile market, has continued to expand its leading advantages in the field of new energy vehicles, and the total export volume of automobiles has repeatedly achieved great achievements.The Japanese Automobile Industry Association announced that from January to November from January to November of 3.99 million vehicles; according to statistics from the China Automobile Industry Association, China ’s automobile exports reached 4.412 million, an increase of about 60 % year -on -year.According to the latest data, China ’s 2023 car exports are expected to reach 5 million vehicles; the first year has surpassed Japan to become the world's number one year, and leading the world is a fact.

However, some experts pointed out that China's automobile exports in the first half of the year were US $ 46.24 billion (S $ 61 billion) in the world, ranking only third in the world, far behind Germany's US $ 100.82 billion and Japan's US $ 55.63 billion.Experts believe that the amount of car exports can more reflect the actual situation than the export quantity, reminding those in the industry not to easily talk about surpassing Japan, and China still has a long way to go.

For the above statement, Liu Chunsheng, an associate professor at the School of International Economics and Trade, China Central University of Finance and Economics, had different views when he was interviewed by a reporter from the Hong Kong News Agency on December 31.Liu Chunsheng believes that the export volume of Chinese automobiles is on the top of the world, which is very worthy of celebration, and the export amount ranks only third, on the other hand, it shows that Chinese cars are a reasonable and cost -effective product.

Liu Chunsheng said that Chinese cars are relatively new "players" in the global export field, and there is still a certain gap compared with Germany and Japan.After so many years of cultivation in the Chinese automobile industry, in recent years, a "curve overtaking" has been used to use the new energy field, and finally reached the stage of "taking off".He pointed out that at this stage, Chinese cars exported to Japan, which is a very important "milestone". Traditional cars like Germany and Japan, including subsequent South Korea, also occupy the market at a lower price at the initial stage of export cars.Then form a brand awareness, and after gaining a good reputation, it continuously expands the export product line.Then Chinese cars must also take such a route."So I think there is no need to blame. On the one hand, I want to rush into the world's first export volume, and then kill the Quartet in the high -end field. This requirement is not realistic."

Liu Chunsheng pointed out that the automotive industry is currently a continuous development industry. China Automobile uses "curve overtaking". Through new energy vehicles, it has promoted a group of mixed vehicles and some traditional gasoline vehicles.One of the great features of Chinese car companies is that they attach great importance to the local market of exporters, and combine the different characteristics of the local market, such as infrastructure such as transportation and road conditions to change its own product design to meet the needs of the local market.On the basis of cost -effective, a fundamental reason for overseas foothold can be.

As for Germany and Japanese cars in the world's automobile market for a long time, their brand and brand awareness, including their products, shows a diverse layout, so that they occupy almost all export prices productsFor example, very comprehensive production lines such as low price, mid -range price, and high -end products.

"From this perspective, if Chinese car companies want to catch up with the two countries, there is still a long way to go. Even in the field of new energy vehicles, China has made great progress, but in itThere are still not many auto brands enjoying the reputation worldwide, and there are still not many car products. Then, in terms of brand cognition and brand value, Chinese automobiles are relatively lagging behind Germany and Japan. "In fact, it is a very complicated thing, just like high -end cars, which is actually luxury goods, representing luxury values. Like these high -end brands, they will sponsor competitions such as F1 program cars, enhance their popularity, and reflect luxury life in the fields of technical performance.So these are still being established in the field of new energy vehicles. In the process, Chinese companies have very big opportunities to gradually establish their own brand cognition and brand value.

He reminded that even if Chinese cars ranks first in the world, this advantage is not stable. Now German and Japanese car companies are gradually working in the field of new energy vehicles.It will also form a very fierce new competition.However, he believes that even so, Chinese cars still have great potential and broad prospects in terms of exports in the future, which requires Chinese car companies to continuously consolidate and deepen.

Liu Chunsheng believes that for a long time in 2024 and the future, people will see that Chinese car companies shine in the world market and welcome the advent of cars.