China further "get rid of Asia into Europe" and fully move closer to Western democratic countries in political civilization. It is the fundamental interests of the Chinese nation.China's modernization is inseparable from the support of the European Union. A democratic China is easier for the EU to trust and relies on the development of the development of China's modernization.It is completely possible.

Since the Opium War in 1840, the Chinese system has encountered a modern national system dominated by European powers. In front of the "great changes that have not encountered three thousand years, and the strong enemy of three thousand years"EssenceAs American sinologist Ruimari pointed out that Confucian culture naturally only adapted to agricultural civilization.Mr. Liang Shuming also pointed out that if there is no impact from the West, China will not develop capitalism by itself for a thousand years.

Compared to Japan, which also suffered imperialist aggression, the foreign affairs movement of "Shi Yi" eventually failed. The root cause is that it is not as deep as "getting rid of Asia into Europe" as Japan.change.It turns out that the success of the modernization of non -Western world, whether it is independent, semi -independent, or independent pre -colonial country, all rely on the introduction or relying on the Western political and economic system.It is difficult to imagine that Singapore and Hong Kong, a model of new industrialized countries and regions, can have geometry if there is no British rule of law as an institutional soil?

The Kuomintang and the Communist Party both pursue modern political parties who pursue modernity and save the preservation of death.The "national construction" during the period of the National Government's main administration is a westernized movement attached to the modern country.The mainland government uses Russia as a division, but the system of doctrine and creation of the Soviet Union and Russia is undoubtedly part of the Western civilization.

Reform and opening up in 1978 is a modern version of the Western Movement.China's elite recognizes that in order to achieve the country's prosperity, only the modern market economy is adopted, which is westernized in itself, because it has nothing to do with the Chinese tradition.

China's reform and opening up has achieved great development so far. This extensive industrialization model can achieve great development on the non -democratic system in a certain period of time.However, this low -level industrialization of low -level human rights, relying on cheap labor and a large amount of resources, relying on Western technology and market -oriented export -oriented, is essentially dependent on development, not independent development, which will inevitably cause insufficient rigid demand and lead to domestic resources overEarly dry; and the low -cost seizing the international market will inevitably make the Chinese tree rival around the world. The competition for unable to renewable resources will lead to the intensification of competition in great powers and accelerate the arrival of the new Cold War.

This kind of dependent modernization that is rooted in "semi -margin" instead of independent development has no way out.

Hope to achieve industrial upgrading through a greater economic "internationalization", almost seeking fish.There are two reasons: First, the rules of liberal globalization, fundamentally, deny import substitutions and hinder the post -issuing country to overtake.2. As a hegemonic country, from the national interest, it will never allow China to become the second German or Japan.Therefore, because China has a limit to seeking the existing path, it will have its limits, and it will definitely encounter the bottleneck of development (narrow referring to catching up) and even the limit of growth.

In the era of imperialism before the end of World War II, democracy has become a world trend, and there are no other "road choices" to compete with.Before the end of World War II, there were still three trends of free democracy, communism, and fascistism in human society. Now, if democratic transformation has been rejected for a long time, it is impossible to see in the international community, especially in oversized countries like China.Unlike the modernization process of industrialization and post -democratization of South Korea and Taiwan during the Cold War period (tolerance of the United States), China's modernization can only do it, and democratic transformation is preferred to economic modernization.

In the era of liberal globalization, democratization and modernization are completely compatible.This is not only because the so -called "economic decision theory" has long been proved to be wrong -that is, economic modernization does not necessarily leadThe market relies on domestic demand rather than foreign demand as a long -term driving force for economic growth.Democratization is to break the foundation of "low human rights". By increasing socialist factors, protecting the people's basic benefits, and sharing the benefits of economic growth, the establishment of a stable domestic demand -this just depends on a "strong country"(Strong State) to promote the construction of "social democracy" (Social Democracy), and through the enlightened autocracy of a certain period, to promote the "self -revolution" of upper -level buildings to promote democratic transformation in Chinese society in an irreversible way.

At present, 85 democratic countries around the world account for 80%of the global GDP (GDP). Western countries have the largest consumer market, control the most critical resources, control the global financial system, occupy in high -tech fields.Absolute advantage.China has not developed a better political and economic system that is very different from the West, and the national innovation system is even more lacking.Once decoupled by the West, the modernization process is likely to be interrupted.The strategic cost of maintaining the "non -democratic" system is also huge. It not only provides the "China threat theory" to provide more and more full mouth, but also makes the United States aimed at preventing China from the rise of China.Therefore, refusing the westernization of the system is equivalent to breaking the future of China's modernization, and looking for a long way in terms of economy and strategy.

In view of this, China further "get rid of Asia into the European" in the system, comprehensively moved closer to Western democratic countries in political civilization, and promotes the construction of a real modern state system with the rule of law -oriented.It is in line with the world trend and the fundamental interests of the Chinese nation.China's ultimate purpose is to become a modern democratic country with developed economy, rich people, and strong national strength. The future of China is not "always belongs to the third world", but an important member of itself in developed countries.In a word, China should also be part of the Western world.

Only when China joins the free and democratic western world can China be vertical and horizontal between the large power inside the West and create good external conditions for the realization of peaceful rise.British strategist Robert Cooper divides the country into three categories: predecessor, modern, and post -modern.In today's major countries, China, the United States and Russia are "modern countries", and the European Union has entered "postmodern".Modern countries seek national interests in realist ways (hard power), while post -modern countries mainly resort to soft strength.In terms of overall development level in Europe, America, and Japan. Europe is the largest export market and technology source in China. Japanese companies have greater innovative advantages than European and American companies.

The American Empire, who is fascinated by power and politics, will not be happy to see a democratic and powerful China, which has nothing to do with ideology.Facing the deep -rooted American tradition, China should avoid its edge, while maintaining the minimum deterrent of it, and try their best to maintain normal state relations.Under earlier, I am committed to the construction of people's livelihood, the progress of the rule of law, and the prosperity of the country.

In diplomacy, China should take the international law as the criterion, be a model student in the international community, and strive to strive for EU cooperation to jointly promote the multi -polarization of the world.China's modernization is inseparable from the support of the European Union. A democratic China is easier for the EU to trust and rely on the development of the EU. The EU strives for the development of the future of China's modernization.The understanding and support of the right to formulate the rules is completely possible.

Peripheral diplomacy is the core of China's geopolitical strategy chess game, while Sino -Japanese relations are the core of the core.Sino -Japanese fighting, both defeats, and in the end, no one can fall down.Instead ofIn this way, Mo Ruo imitates French and Germany, achieves strategic reconciliation with Japan, and completely end historical grievances. Based on this, it promotes the highly integrated economy of the two countries.With the advanced technology of the Chinese market and Japan, China -Japan jointly leads the creation of East Asia Common Market to build the third largest economic community of EU and NAFTA (North American Free Trade Zone).With the economic power of China -Japan United, it is enough to have an unstoppable attractiveness to the entire East Asia, especially Southeast Asia.Southeast Asia and Latin America are the most abundant regions in the world. Integrating East Asia can greatly reduce China's economic and geopolitical risks, and lays a solid foundation for China's peaceful rise.

In short, China is based on the common market in East Asia, pays Europe well, and achieves strategic average with the United States in terms of overall strength to achieve a three -pointer in the world.This sincerity is expected!

Deng Xiaoping's incomplete "off -Asian into the European" to avoid institutional changes is the general source of China's economic and strategic dilemma today. Therefore, a certain degree of rectification is imperative.However, trying to promote "non -Deng Hua" by "re -capacity" to overcome the disadvantages of the Deng Line, it is really out of time.Another way to take a different approach, go towards the Republic, and embrace freedom and democracy, for the right way.The National Games of China is also in this operation.