Ms. Yu edited and released short videos is the self -encouragement after the disaster. It is a self -showing off after escaping, and the shadow of power with superiority is revealed between the words.Including the "story" of the "person", which has the "creation" of his husband's so -called "creation", is everywhere, and it also shows a sense of privilege.

Reviewer Li Changxue

The end of showing off may be a storm.

On November 29, a screenshot of a chat on the Internet showed that a Shanghai woman was seriously injured due to a car accident in the Ali area of ​​Tibet. The woman's family claimed to be to save her.The Municipal Health and Health Commission contacted the Ali region and used all civil servants of Ali Autonomous Region to donate blood, including police stations, firefighters, etc., and raised the blood volume of more than 3,000 ml.

Use the Health Commission to come forward to coordinate, use all civil servants to donate blood, and use charter to transfer to the hospital. This series of unconventional operations will be used to detonate public opinion together. The public questions whether it is called "privileges".However, when the woman's husband faced the media, he said that the information on the Internet was not true. He denied that the family members were public officials in Shanghai.After, he caused misunderstandings, and he hoped that netizens could look at the matter rationally.

Obviously, this is not an "false" or "misunderstanding" to eliminate public opinion questioning.The coordination of the Shanghai Health and Health Commission is a fact. It is the fact that the use of civil servants to donate blood is also the fact that the charter machine is also different from the so -called "false" and "misunderstanding" of the husband's husband.Probably in his understanding, the so -called "false" and "misunderstanding" is that the public thinks that he "someone on it" can mobilize so much public resources.And it argued that the "little aunt" who had all operated this was not a public official in Shanghai. The reason why he said to his wife that "someone on it" was because after the wife's rescue was waking up, the wife was too bad to hurt.Encourage his wife to survive.

This similar "goodwill lies" response, obviously the behavior of the behavior of Ms. Yu, his wife, is difficult to form cause and effect logic.Edited by Ms. Yu and publishing short videos is the self -encouragement after the disaster. It is a self -showing off after the escape, and the shadow of power with great superiority is revealed between the lines.Including the "story" of the "person", which has the "creation" of his husband's so -called "creation", is everywhere, and it also shows a sense of privilege.Or because of many "privileges", in the story of choosing to encourage survival, there are labeling bridges that can "use all civil servants to donate blood".Therefore, it is difficult to eliminate "misunderstandings" with a sentence "unrealistic" or "misunderstanding", and it does not make people believe that his so -called "false" is really "not true".

At present, in addition to Ms. Yu's husband, the Shanghai Municipal Health and Health Commission and relevant departments of the Ali region have also responded.The former said that the letter was connected to the relevant departments when the incident was taken to coordinate, and there was no action caused by improper factors such as private relationships; the latter said that the blood donation was a voluntary behavior of the local cadres and the masses, not as compulsory as rumors of the Internet as online rumors.Blood.

The relevant statements and explanations presented mentioned above are all self -spoken nature, and the saying is blurred and suspected of being eager to clarify. It cannot fully convince the public, but gives a sense of the cloud.There is no detailed, open and transparent investigation, I am afraid it is difficult to eliminate the "misunderstanding" of the public, nor can it obtain the trust of public opinion.

Therefore, further detailed investigations are necessary.For example, the "little aunt", who looks like the vast magical power, although the relatives of the parties have denied that they are civil servants, does it have a causal relationship with so many public resources?For example, is the "voluntary" of civil servants who donate blood to one person by the relevant person in the region. Is it really the "voluntary" that civil servants understand?This is not a phrase "no existence" or "not" can be obedient. In the face of many public doubts, and to take out an authoritative investigation conclusion, we can calm the question of public opinion.