Recently, the website of the Ministry of Commerce's website issued the notice of 5 departments such as the Ministry of Commerce on the announcement of the review results of the Chinese time -honored names, which will be poorly operated for a long time., Moving out the Chinese old -fashioned list.

The old Chinese name is the treasure of the national brand and the pride of the ethnic industry. It condenses the efforts of generations.The old -fashioned brand is a high concentration of product connotation and a reflection of the core competitiveness of the enterprise.The heroic style of the old brand brand has the consumption attractiveness of sweeping Liuhe and Weiba.

A plaque of the old -fashioned name is a shiny golden signboard.People advocate the old -fashioned name, mainly to value the long -established history and authenticity; quality and reputation become the label of the old name.The old -fashioned brand is the human heart and the market pioneer.

However, there are some old Chinese old names who have eaten old -fashioned inaction for a long time, lying on the credit book, sleeping, and making the emperor and girls who do n’t worry about marrying yellow beams.

However, the old name is not the "iron hat king". The honor and the laurel of the old name cannot be born forever and glorious; if you are not careful, the crown will fall and the reputation will be messy.

The 55 brands that have been removed from the Chinese time -honored list this time have a commonality, because of the old -fashioned golden signboards because of the old -fashioned, the old name.

From the perspective of market competition, many old names have encountered the problem of development and survival crisis.On the one hand, it is attributed to the single -established product, lacking the spirit of innovation, adherence to old, or blindly relying on old brand capital overdrawn market value; on the other hand, because the brand's promotion of weakening and normalized maintenance, the old name encounters new problems, golden light, golden light, golden lightThe flashes of the flashing sign have continued to decline, and some even have a crisis of survival, and hate withdrawing from the market.

There were more than 10,000 old -fashioned merchants in various industries in China, covering department stores, light industry, Chinese medicine, catering, clothing, condiments, wine, tea, baked goods, meat products, folk crafts and other commercial service industries,It was the pride and pride of the Chinese nation, but still running less than 1,000 today.In addition to a considerable part of the merger and acquisition of foreign investment, a major reason for the disappearance of the Chinese time -honored name is that some old names "old and unfair", who do not fight for themselves, or do not fully recognize the hidden crisis.

The degeneration of the elite attributes of the old -fashioned brand, the depressed person will move out of the Chinese old -fashioned list in time. It is a war song that defends the old Chinese name, not simply singing sadly for some old -fashioned old -fashioned old -fashioned old -fashioned old names."Send" 55 brands including Tianjin Daoxiang Village, the old Chinese old name will be more pure, stronger, and more elite.

brand creation is difficult and more difficult to maintain. Once damaged, repair is even more difficult.If the old Chinese brand wants to be glittering and eternal youthful vitality, you must respect yourself and strengthen your feathers. Do not become "old -fashioned".

At present, China is working hard to create a market pattern that promotes domestic demand and promote consumption.In this situation, the old Chinese name must take the lead in strengthening the brand image and providing high -quality services to please the market and please consumers.

To keep the brand's fresh -preserving, to keep the brand fresh, we must have a sense of crisis, and continue to work hard on research and development innovation to follow the market concept and keep up with the pace of the new consumption era.We must be willing to spend capital and work hard.

One of the major features of new consumption is hunting and new consumption. Consumers, especially young consumers, do not love the old, do not eat the old name "leaning on the old and selling the old", they seek to change and pursue consumer stimulus.If the old name is conservative and does not keep pace with the times, it will one day overwhelm the trend of new consumption.

Another feature of new consumption is alternative.Except for a small number of products that are irreplaceable in consumer goods, most products can find commodities and alternatives used in swap. Therefore, the goods in the consumer market are alternative.The old name must have a sense of crisis, strengthen the personalized production of products, work hard on the specialty, and be reduced to large road goods, which is replaced by others and marginalized.

The author is a Chinese financial media columnist, chief analyst of Jingsu Media