Source: Hong Kong Ming Pao Agency Review

Australian Prime Minister Albanis visited China in Shanghai, and then attended the China Import Expo with 200 exhibitors. It was very obvious that he hoped that the relationship with China could get more export revenue.Sino -Australian relations have continued to advance in the past. Australia followed the US sanctions a few years ago, leading to deteriorating relations. Now Sino -US relations have thawed. Australia also changed the ruling party to strive for opportunities to improve Sino -Australian relations.However, in terms of international relations in Australia, long -term walking between the West and Asia for a long time, pro -American is a big direction. However, in terms of economic and trade cooperation, Australia cannot be decoupled with China, and China will not be separated from Australia.Relationships continue to warm up.

Iron ore exports China is not affected by red wine lobster reduction cake icing on the cake

China is Australia's largest trading partner. Even if the relationship between the two countries fell to the bottom last year, the total trade between the two countries still had a total trade amount of 943.8 billion US dollars (S $ 277.3 billion) and the Australian surplus 417.3 billion U.S. dollars, which was 636.5 billion in the previous year.The US dollar fell sharply.Nevertheless, Australia's position in China's sixth largest trading partner has not been greatly affected by the relationship between the two countries, but also has the opportunity to surpass German climbing one. The reason is obvious.In factors such as quality and transportation costs, the iron ore imported from Australia accounted for 65%of China's total imports, and Australia exported the total iron ore with Chinese iron ore reached 75.5 billion US dollars. The total of other countries was less than that of China.

China accounts for one -third of the total exports of Australia. The largest commodity is not affected by the relationship between the two countries, but some other commodities, such as red wine and lobster, are not as high as the proportion, but the scope of influence, especially jobs, is especially employed positions.EssenceThere are 2366 wineries in Australia exported red wine to China. The total export value of the highest peak in 2020 reached US $ 780 million. China has greatly increased tariffs on Australian red wine. Last year, the import amount was only 1.56 million US dollars.It is the global market that is not good, red wine inventory is increasing, and prices have been picked up.Australian lobster exported to 500 tons at its peak in China. China ’s tariffs were severely damaged. Fresh lobster could not invent, but could only be sold at a low price. There was a special lobster set meal for breakfast on the restaurant in Chinatown, Sydney.If the Labor Government does not shoot any more, it will inevitably affect the votes.

Before Albanis visited China, he did not deny that he hoped that China would like to dismiss certain products' tariff restrictions.Although the total trade between the two countries only fell slightly last year. If it can strive for a wide range of products such as red wine and lobster, exporting to China can restore the old view, not only can it reverse the decline in export surplus.

In fact, in terms of trade between China and Australia, no one in terms of trade, and the two countries also know that there are other demands between each other.Australia is a member of the comprehensive and progressive cross -Pacific Partnership Agreement (CPTPP). China is seeking to join this organization that reduces the tariffs on mutual reduction and exemption as soon as possible. If any country applys to join, it must be unanimously approved by the current 12 member states.It will make it difficult for China to strive for full votes in the future, but Australia has a key role in Australia.

The United States is not a member of the Pacific Agreement. The Bayeng government also stated that he did not intend to join, but the United States can exercise the "Poison Pill" method to prevent China from joining.This approach is not difficult to understand, because the United States and many member states in this agreement have various alliances. For example, the United States has a free trade agreement with Mexico and Canada, which can require CPTPP member states Canada and Mexico to vote to support China.

Australia's pro -American attitude will not express the distance from the United States because of China.

The United States must obstruct the rise of China in all aspects. The reasons and practices do not need to be repeated. Specifically, at this level of Australia, the United States must weave the network of China, and the role of Australia cannot be ignored.Albanis also made a special trip to the United States before visiting China. Biden reiterated the importance of Arbanis's reiteration of the US Britain and Australia's military and foreign security partnership (AUKUS), saying that the United States will invest in the "GENERANAL" investment.To maintain a common security relationship.

The United States also needs to use Australia's influence between the Pacific island country.The United States realized that China has increased its political offensive for the Pacific Island country, and then re -strengthen its attention to the Pacific Island country like "awakening at the beginning of dreams".Australia has geographical advantages in the South Pacific, which can help the United States reduce China's influence in the region.

For a long time in Australia, it has been attributed to Asia or the West. It is uncertain, political concepts and culture.And change.

However, after all, Australia is not possible to invest back to the West. The importance of China's huge market to Australia makes it impossible for Australia to decompose with China, and it is difficult to fully gain Australia's trust in Australia.When Albanis visited the United States, he gave an intriguing response to Biden's "sweet words". He said to Biden, "The soul of the partnership between the United States and Australia is not the common enemy between us, but in the right, but in the right, but in the right, but in the right thing, it is right.The promise of common relationship "

Australian pro -Western and pro -American approach will not change, but the difference in extent will affect the development of Sino -Australian relations.There are various reasons and methods in the United States to impact Australia, and even interfere with its attitude towards China. It is impossible for China to reverse the overall strategy of Australia.Trade methods have caused Australia to take the initiative to visit China for seven years, which can also reduce the cost of competing with the United States. It is believed that this is also one of the important reasons why China attaches importance to Australia.