More and more studies have shown that learning and mastering more languages ​​can become more rational, more open, and more capable of responding to uncertainty.Scholars call this phenomenon "foreign language effects".

I once read such an interesting thing: Japan votes the most popular tide words every year. One year's annual tide language is "KY", that is, the abbreviation of "Kuuki Yomenai".At that time, an American asked, "Reading the air? What does this mean?" The Japanese gave him an analogy. If you attend a meeting in Japan, some personally hinted that he did not agree or dissatisfied.Reading such an atmosphere and capturing the dissatisfaction conveyed.If you can't capture the message conveyed in words, the Japanese will say, "He is a KY guy!" The American laughed and said, "I think our Americans are very KY guys!"

This interesting thing can be said to be vivid and authenticly the language used in a place, reflecting the cultural customs and communication styles of that place.Based on this type, the more language you learn, the more culture you know.Singapore promotes bilingual education. Students have learned English from childhood to middle school, and their mother tongue can also take the third language according to their own ability.

English is an international language. Learning this language is critical to economic development. In this diverse ethnic society in Singapore, English also has a bridge to promote social integration.The learning mother tongue was mainly for the inheritance of cultural traditions. Later, it also added the utilitarian effect of taking off in China, India and the regional economy.As for the study of third language, it is mostly the options for students with better grades. The options of language depends on the number of teachers and students.effect.

Learn more language benefits, and now it has received more recognition, and the benefits of them are not only the arguments that support Singapore's bilingual education.Recently, some scholars pointed out from the perspective of health that learning bilingual or more languages ​​will help delay the onset of dementia.Judging from the benefits of social levels, more and more studies have shown that learning and mastering more languages ​​can become more rational, more open -minded, and more capable of cope with uncertainty.Scholars call this phenomenon "foreign language effects".This surpasses the social integration bridge function of English.

Many psychologists believe that in addition to changing people's memory quality, the switch between language can also affect how people face the moral dilemma.Dr. Viorica Marian, an expert at Bilingual and Psychological Linguistics Research Laboratory of Northwestern University, said: "When you learn another language, you learn another way to exist in the world.Another way of thinking, you will not tend to be demonized others. "

On the contrary, only from one language, research shows that prejudice or memory errors are more likely to produce prejudice or memory errors.Professor Boaz Keysar at the University of Chicago and his doctoral student Leight Grant had done an experiment. Participants first obtained a series of related English words, such as "dreams" and "dozing doze off."Bed" and "Rest" and so on.When testing their memory, many people mistakenly remembered the word "sleeping", and the word is not in the list.However, if the mission is performed in a second language, the possibility of this situation will be greatly reduced.

Caesar believes that the reason why the "foreign language effect" can prevent the emergence of wrong memories is that people think more about it when using foreign languages.They need to ensure that what they say and understand is correct.They often tend to pay attention to and question the accuracy of their memory, rather than simply telling the phenomenon that emerges in their minds for the first time.

Some studies have found that when reading controversial news, reading through foreign language reading will be open than reading in their familiar language, and it is not easy to be controlled by their intuition.Many experiments and research results show that when people choose to use one language instead of another language, they can have a systematic impact on their behavior and results; and in many cases, two or more often use two or more typesLanguage people did not realize that their thinking had been affected.

Because of more detailed considerations and a more open mentality, some scholars infer that people who have more than one language will have a strong environmental adaptability.Silvia Purpuri, the University of Trento University, studied the relationship between "mastering more than one language" and "tolerance to uncertainty", and explored different languages.The person who has the ability to master the ability to uncertainty and the degree of willingness to enter unfamiliar.The survey found that when people are ready to use the second language, the tolerance of uncertainty will be higher than those who do not use the second language.Because the tolerance of uncertainty is high, it often means that it can show greater flexibility and adaptability.It is generally believed that people with high tolerance can bring a more harmonious working environment.

In the current era of chaos, learning the benefits that can bring more language can be said to be more important than before.

(the author is a local current affairs commentator)