Chrustifer Lei, director of the Federal Investigation Agency, said at a hearing at the Senate before that since October 7, the Palestinian radicals Hamas raid Israel, many terrorist organizations have issued an appeal to attack the United States.The threat faced by the United States has reached the worst degree of the Islamic State Organization nearly 10 years ago."This is the situation that has not been seen since the establishment of the so -called" Harry Nation "a few years ago."

Israel is currently focusing on the firepower bombing and attacking the Gaza Strip, and strives to destroy Hamas forces. It is unknown how long the battle will last.The hatred between the time will inevitably become deeper, and the Palestinians and the worldwide voices will become larger and larger.Various lampders' extreme organizations will also take advantage of the momentum and point their finger to the United States, which rejected the draft of the draft resolution of the Harbin Harbin.

U.S. military facilities spread all over the world, so it is difficult to avoid becoming the target of attack.Christopher Lei pointed out that the number of attacks on the US military bases supported by Iran's support for the US military base increased last month.If the conflict expands, the Internet attacks of Iran and sympathy will likely exacerbate.For the United States, the opposition and hatred of different groups caused by society may be terrible.US Minister of Homeland Security Mariocas said the hatred against American Jewish students exacerbated anti -Jewie.The global incident against Jews has also increased several times.I am afraid that the Harbin conflict will last long and more bloody, it is also likely that some people in various places will become "independent wolf", which is invincible.

Therefore, the possibility of global terrorism attacks from the continuous spread of Harbin conflict and even the possibility of global terrorism attacks cannot be ruled out. The development and spillover effects are worthy of our attention.As Premier Li Xianlong pointed out, Singapore's threat of terrorism is not derived from the country, but a wider security situation from the region.This time, the Harbin conflict, the two sides were severe and injured, especially the bombing of refugee camps, which would inevitably arouse a stronger emotional response.In addition to adhering to principles and impartial stances in Singapore, Singapore must also carefully control the situation and closely set defense to avoid social harmony that has nothing to do with us.

Based on this, the impact of foreign countries has no room for lax and precaution.According to the Singapore terrorist threat evaluation report released by the internal Security Bureau in July this year, 49 people in Singapore have received restrictions or detention orders under the internal safety laws due to their self -radicals in the past eight and a half years.Singaporeans, 12 are foreigners.In addition, the trend of youthfulness of self -radicals is concerned.Among the 49 people, 11 people were aggressive at the age of 15 to 20, and five of them planned to launch an attack locally.

This shows that prevention of self -evolution is an important part of Singapore to prevent terror.But this work has become more complex and difficult due to the emergence of the Internet and social media.Today, social media has become the main medium of cognitive war, and it is also a weapon that terrorist organizations know how to make full use of.This means that prevention cannot rely on front -line units such as the internal security bureau, and the active participation of families and individuals has become indispensable.Because if a person goes into a self -radicals, the most likely to discover the closest to his loved ones or friends the first time.

In addition to preventing national self -evolution, when the global terrorist attacks come again, preventing possible foreign attacks is of course even more important.The report of the above -mentioned Internal Affairs Bureau was released before Hamas's terrorist attack on Israel on October 7, but it has made such a discussion: "Although no information shows that terrorists are about to attack Singapore, Singapore is still the target of attack targets in terrorist propaganda.With the intensification of Russia and Ukraine's conflict and the tension of the Middle East, some countries and organizations may be more inclined to use terrorist methods to deal with their enemies in the third country. "This is indeed a loud alarm.In the face of the new situation that has been continuously upgraded by Harbin conflict, we do not need to be nervous, but it is necessary to be vigilant.